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120613 Making Waste Work for Maidstone Covering Report






13 April 2012




Report prepared by Overview and Scrutiny Officer 


1.           Making Waste Work for Maidstone Review


1.1        Issue for Decision


1.1.1   To consider the recommendations within ‘Making Waste Work for Maidstone’ report attached at Appendix A.


1.2        Recommendation of the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


1.2.1   That the Cabinet Member agrees the following recommendations:


1.   That the Waste Team  present the Cabinet Member with an options report regarding the replacement of bins for flats, terraced housing and houses of multiple occupancy to move forward with waste and recycling and food collection in line with the rest of the borough;

2.   That residents are kept informed about the progress of recycling developments in the borough during the lifetime of the waste contract;

3.   That we continue our food waste education and promotion of recycling, including a feature in the Borough Update outlining how much food is thrown away in Maidstone;

4.   That flexible and cost effective options in relation to the use of new technologies and changes to collectables should be included in the terms of the new waste contract. It should also include a proactive clause for partners to explore opportunities in the market;

5.   That the reuse and recycling of waste collected by the Freighter Service should be investigated by the Waste Team to include Green Waste which cannot be home composted;


6.   That the current usage of the Freighter service is monitored and the delivery of the service re-evaluated;


7.   That in order to ensure that further opportunities created by the developments in waste separation technology for reuse and recycling of materials such as wood and metal are not lost the Council actively monitors this area;


8.   That reuse and recycling of waste collected by the Bulky Collection should be investigated by the Waste Team, diverting from landfill by working with charities and other social partnerships;


9.   That a service provided by NOAH enterprise for the collection of furniture and white goods from Maidstone Borough Council’s bulky collection should be investigated;


10.                That the relevant select committee and department at Kent County Council be contacted and the model used by NOAH Enterprise should be highlighted;


11.                That the use of the Gateway as a collection point for small items such as batteries, ink cartridges, energy saving light bulbs (containing mercury), small electrical items and plastic bottles should be explored with the involvement of local voluntary and charitable organisations;

12.                That Officers should continue to lobby for the standardisation of plastics used in products to make it easier for residents to recycle; and


13.                That during the course of the 10 year waste contract Maidstone Borough Council takes a lead role in developing a partnership with other Kent authorities to achieve best value for money in the collection and selling of plastics.


1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1   At its first meeting of the 2011-12 Municipal Year, the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to carry out a review on wasteThe review was chosen with the knowledge that the Council’s waste contract was due to go to out to tender for a 10 year period; a critical contract serving a core function of the Council.  The Committee identified waste reduction as the focus of the review.


1.3.2   The Committee has carried out both formal and informal meetings with internal officers and professionals including the Kent Waste Partnership and Closed Loop.  The Committee also interviewed a well established Charity and Social Enterprise, NOAH enterprise, as part of its evidence gathering. The Committee visited Closed Loop’s recycling facility in Dagenham, Essex and the Recycling Unit at her Majesty’s Prison, Maidstone. Members considered desktop research to identify innovative ways of providing services to the public whilst maintaining value for money services.


1.3.3   Having considered the evidence, the Committee approved a wide range of recommendations to address waste reduction with particular reference to the Food Waste Collection in flats and terraced housing, the Freighter Service and Bulky Collection and Plastics.


 Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.3.4   The Cabinet Member could decide not to endorse any of the recommendations within the ‘‘Making Waste Work for Maidstone Review” report, however the recommendations are based on evidence from a range of sources and support the Council’s objectives with regard to being a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the Borough and residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live and who they are, as outlined at 1.4. 


1.4        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.4.1   The Council’s Strategic Plan 2011-2015  lists “For Maidstone to be

 a decent place to live”  as key priorities. The recommendations within the report contribute to the fulfillment of these objectives.


1.5        Risk Management


1.5.1   The Recommendations contained within the report will need to be risk assessed as part reviewing whether they should be accepted or not.


1.6        Other Implications



1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Social Inclusion




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development



6.           Community Safety



7.           Human Rights Act



8.           Procurement



9.           Asset Management




1.7        Appendices


Appendix A - Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee “Making Waste Work for Maidstone Review”.









Is this a Key Decision?        Yes                        No     


If yes, when did it appear in the Forward Plan? _______________________






Is this an Urgent Key Decision?     Yes                  No


Reason for Urgency

