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Work Programme 2012_13

Regeneration & Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2012-13

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

28 May 2012

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Work programming workshop


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2012-13

·         Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

23 July 2012

  • Core Strategy – Public Participation
  • Core Strategy – Strategic Development Sites
  • Infrastructure Delivery Report
  • Joint Integrated Transport Strategy

·         Policy Framework Documents for pre-decision scrutiny

31 July 2012

·         Phase II High Street Regeneration Project

·         Visitor Information Centre Review Scoping Report


  • To set the direction for the OSC Review

25 September 2012

  • Visitor Information Centre Review
  • To agree the recommendations and approve the report

27 November 2012

  • Core Strategy


  • Policy Framework Documents for pre-decision scrutiny

29 January 2012


26 March 2012
