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121009 Appendix A SM March


John Littlemore               MBC

Joanna Fathers               MBC

Paul Alcock                       TCM

Bill Moss                            TCM

Sue Bassett                      Staplehurst Parish Council

Ivan White                       Federation of Small Businesses

Stephen Dryden              Marks and Spencer

Mark Hutcheon                              Town Centre Police

Andrew Simms                 Boots

Cllr John Wilson                              Cabinet Member              


Rev Jackie Cray               Street Pastor

Loraine Hemphrey         Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Teresa Irving                    Downswood Parish Council

Gordon Newton              Downswood Parish Council

Dennis Conyan                Taxi Services

Dennis Tree                     Beluga Bar

Julie Lucas                        Banks Bar



1.                  JL explained the purpose of the Stakeholder Group was to provide a conduit between the various stakeholders that benefit from CCTV, MBC and Medway Council. JL confirmed that future meetings would include a representative from Medway.

2.                  PA raised concerns over the terms and conditions the staff transferring from Profile Securities to Medway would be under. The TUPE regulations were outlined and PA asked that concerns were passed onto Medway.

3.                  If the Medway restructure results in the loss of transferring staff BM asked that the issue of cross training takes place sooner rather later.

4.                  JL updated the meeting the implementation date remained on course to commence on 2nd April 2012. Testing of the equipment was ongoing including the Maidsafe Radio network and Kent Police radios. PA reported some interference on the connection between Maidsafe and the Strood centre. JL confirmed that all cameras including those in the rural areas would be operational from Strood on the commencement date.

5.                  MN raised some operational concerns as to how evidence would be gathered and provided to Maidstone Police. This prompted a discussion around the issue of data control and concluded with a commitment to find a solution that met all parties’ requirements whilst remaining compliant with the appropriate regulations.

6.                  The recent survey of local businesses and other organisations benefiting from CCTV was shared. There was a discussion as to what the figures meant and the possible reasons for the answers. It was agreed that a similar survey would be conducted at 6 and 12 month intervals.

7.                  JL ran through the current method of performance monitoring for the CCTV operation. This was then compared with the information collated by Medway, which is a more detailed version of Maidstone’s.  This was agreed as a satisfactory method of data collection that would enable a comparison to be made with historic data. In addition information concerning any down-time and requests for evidence would also be monitored.

8.                  There was a discussion as to the most convenient time and day of the week for future meetings. The general consensus was for a Monday at 17:00 hrs. The next date to be confirmed.

Meeting closed.