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Report to Cabinet CIP






8 JULY 2009




Report prepared by Anna Collier 


1.           Corporate Improvement Plan Update


1.1        Issue for Decision


1.1.1   Cabinet is asked to consider the latest update to the Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) which is attached at Appendix A


1.2        Recommendation of the Director of Change and Environmental Services


It is recommended that Cabinet:


1.2.1   Note the progress being made against each area of improvement and any further actions that are required;


1.2.2   Note areas of improvement which have been added, revised or deleted (Appendix A and B).    


1.2.3   Consider any recommendations from the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


1.2.4   Agree that the format and content of the Corporate Improvement Plan be further reviewed before the next update.


1.3        Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1   The purpose of the Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) is to monitor progress on key areas of improvement activity primarily related to inspection recommendations.  The plan is a ‘working document’ updated on a regular basis, to reflect any changes in local and national context or corporate objectives.  Any changes are made in accordance with the council’s current Strategic Plan to ensure it is in line with the vision and priorities of the council.  


1.3.2   In terms of inspection activity, actions relate primarily to the Direction of Travel (an assessment of performance improvements), Use of Resources (which covers financial considerations, value for money and internal controls) and the arrangements that the council has in place to ensure data quality. 


1.3.3   In addition, other actions have emerged from the Annual Governance Report, the Place Survey and a range of activities that are areas of high risk or concern for the council. 


1.4        July 2009 Update


1.4.1   The last update was considered by Cabinet in October 2008. There are currently a total of 65 improvement actions within the Corporate Improvement Plan at Appendix A. It is proposed that:


·         24 are retained;

·         37 are deleted;

·         4 are updated; and

·         4 are added.


1.4.2   Where any actions have been proposed for deletion it is because this action has been completed and performance in this area continues to be maintained to at least a satisfactory standard. 


1.4.3   Appendix B contains a table of the proposed new improvement actions and updates to certain actions.


1.4.4   The new elements have been taken from the Use of Resources and Data Quality Assessment, the Direction of Travel Letter and the Annual Governance Report.


1.4.5   Where actions have been updated, comments have been made to provide background. 


1.5        The Future of the Corporate Improvement Plan


1.5.1   This year the council has been preparing for its first assessment under the new Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) which has replaced the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).  The council will receive the results of the new assessment in November 2009.


1.5.2   In light of this change to the way the council is assessed and the overall growth of the Corporate Improvement Plan as a tool within the council, is it proposed that a review of the plan in undertaken in advance of the next update in December 2009.  This will include a comparison to look at how other councils address their improvement agenda to ensure that Maidstone is operating the plan efficiently and in line with best practice.


1.5.3   The next update in December will include any areas for improvement that have emerged from the CAA assessment.


1.6        Alternative Action and why not Recommended


1.6.1   Not considering progress against the plan could mean improvement work is delayed or objectives are not objectives are not achieved.  This could have a detrimental impact upon the council’s overall drive for continuous improvement, standards of service delivery, external assessments of the council’s performance and customer care.


1.6.2   The council could choose not to maintain a CIP but it is considered to provide a focus as part of driving improvement activity and brings together several different strands of work.


1.7        Impact on Corporate Objectives


1.7.1   The CIP contains actions that impact upon the full range of corporate objectives; some of these relate to cross-cutting activities such as ensuring that value for money considerations are always taken into account.


1.8        Risk Management


1.8.1   Actions in relation to risk management are reported through the CIP where appropriate; any risks will be set out in the Strategic Risk Register or, below that, in individual service plans.  Additional work is being undertaken on reviewing the organisational risks in 2009/10.


1.8.2   There are also risks to the reputation and performance of the council associated with not responding to inspection recommendations and ensuring that best practice identified in other authorities is considered.  The CIP provides a mechanism for driving improvement.


1.9        Other Implications


1.9.1   The summary table of other implications is set out below.


1.      Financial




2.           Staffing




3.           Legal




4.           Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5.           Environmental/Sustainable Development




6.           Community Safety




7.           Human Rights Act




8.           Procurement




9.           Asset Management





1.9.2   The CIP includes actions related to the council’s financial arrangements.  Improvement activity undertaken through the Corporate Improvement Plan will generally be met within existing resources.  Where there are funding implications for areas of work, further reports will be presented for consideration as part of the budget planning process.  The scope of the CIP covers the full range of council activity and sits within the council’s overall policy framework.








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[State why the decision is urgent and cannot wait until the next issue of the forward plan.]