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                                                                                                                                                                   Appendix A

Corporate Improvement Plan June 2009-10 Update






Progress/Further Action

Future of Action

Gen 1

As part of the VFM workstream, continue development of the VFM price book comparing services across Kent in order to explore savings and joint working initiatives

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised as part of the 2008/09 update

Paul Riley

The price book has been updated following a review of the first Kent wide document produced in 2007. Kent Finance Officers created a sub group from Thanet Dover and Maidstone who reviewed proposals to create a return developed from the RO Forms and reconciled to the audited income and expenditure account. The additional data collected includes FTE staffing figures and a series of headline statistics giving all authorities a more flexible overview analysis. From 2009/10 the data collection process will be harmonised with the completion of the RO Forms and reducing the burden of completion for each authority. The data sheets have been designed to enable the completion of the pages from the original price book and provide the opportunity to identify new services to add additional pages. In this revision Street Cleansing and Legal have been added.



Gen 3



The authority has made a commitment to carbon neutrality by 2010 and has established a climate change strategy.  Ensure that the strategy is successfully implemented over the next three years.


This action is a ‘general’ action and was introduced in 2007-08

Jim Boot

Carbon emissions are measured using DEFRA’s NI 185 spreadsheet tool to capture energy and fuel use from Council operations (buildings and vehicles).  Risk management of likely changes has been carried out.  The permanent post of EMS Manager was created and resourced within phase two of the Chief Executive’s restructure, in April 2009. Current performance shows a 7% reduction in carbon emissions between 2006/07 (the baseline year) and 2007/08.  The results for 2008/09 went to Cabinet in June 2008. The targets are 3% reduction in carbon emissions per annum, leading to a 20% reduction (from a 2006/07 baseline) by 2015/16 and 30% by 2020/21.  The Council is now part of the Energy Saving Trust Local Authority One-To-One Support Programme.  The programme aims to help local authorities reduce area-wide carbon emissions and demonstrate local leadership in addressing climate change.  The programme works on a seven stage process that takes place over two years to develop, implement and review a climate change action plan.  This programme will form the basis of the Council’s delivery of NI 186 and will also support the internal carbon reduction (and NI 185) work.




Gen 4

To improve access to services the authority will move to a more central location including the development of a 'gateway'

This action is a ‘general’ action and was introduced in 2007-08

David Tibbit

The Gateway was successfully opened in January 2009.





Gen 5

Undertake a 'check' of the work/life balance policy to ensure adherence across the authority.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was introduced in 2007-08

Dena Smart

This is now recorded on the new iTrent database so we do not need to undertake a 'check' as work patterns are documented for all. We have 117 work patterns recorded in the system currently.



Keep vision and priorities under review through a consultation 'check' and developing links between the Strategic Plan, the LDF and the Sustainable Communities Strategy.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised  in the 2007-08 update

David Edwards, Georgia Hawkes, Brian Morgan and Jim Boot.

The Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) was adopted at Council on 22nd April and ratified by the LSP at its meeting on 22nd May. The Strategic Plan 2009-12 was developed in conjunction with the SCS and also adopted by Council in April and the vision for Maidstone in the SCS has been adopted as the Council's vision.  Through the corporate planning process, new priorities for the Council have been agreed.  The Strategic Plan clearly lays out how the Council will contribute to the delivery of the objectives for Maidstone borough in the SCS over the next 3 years.      The Local Development Framework (LDF) is currently under development and steps are being taken to ensure there are strong links between this document and the Strategic Plan and SCS.




The council should address the tensions between the pressures for rapid development and environmental protection through the LDD.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised  in the 2007-08 update

Brian Morgan

The balancing of the tensions between the allowing for development and protecting the environment is an integral part of the allocation process in the Local Development Framework.  Any land that is allocated will be the subject of an environment appraisal.




The local plan should be risk managed. Councillors should receive sufficient information about the progress of the plan to enable them to take timely corrective action. This is to be conducted as part of the LDD.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised  in the 2007-08 update

Brian Morgan

The preparation of the Local Development Framework has been delayed through the consideration of the KIG application.  Subject to Cabinet decisions, the work on the Core Strategy is about to recommence.  The risks of recommencing the work or not, as the case may be, are set out in the report to Members along with other risks.  As reports are prepared, the risks will be identified to Members.




Implement the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) as agreed by Cabinet.

This is a ‘general’ Action and was introduced in the 2008-09 update

Steve Wilcox

The Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) is a development from the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

Implementation is now completed.  To progress the AQAP several steps are necessary and ongoing, including:

·         An Air Quality further Assessment which will be submitted to DEFRA by 1 August 2009.

·         A Health Impact Assessment which will be completed within 6 months.

·         An extensive consultation process, with both public and with statutory consultees.


The net result is that the AQAP is unlikely to be completed until early 2010 at the earliest.


UR 1

The Council manages performance against budgets developing JDs/profiles for members.

This action was introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment and was revised  in the 2007-08 update

Tina Edwards and Neil Harris

The Knowledge, Skills and Performance standards for members have been completed. They were agreed and signed off by the General Purposes Group. The Council has now obtained the South East Member Development Charter.


UR 6

The council collects information on the needs of and the impact of its services, policies and strategies on different community groups through focus groups and equalities impact assessment of its strategies.  It is using this information to improve VFM, outcomes and access to services, and to understand the effect and impact these and budget decisions will have.

This action was introduced 2007-08 from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

Ian Park

The 2008/09 Equality Impact Needs Assessment (EINA) programme was carried out and included:

·         Housing Allocations policy

·         Revised policies and procedures on a range of matters related to the management of Gypsy Caravan Sites within the Borough

·         Park and Ride Changes

·         Public Conveniences

·         Corporate Grievance Policy

·         Corporate Disciplinary policy

·         District Youth Strategy

·         Scrutiny Review: Diverse Communities in  the Borough of Maidstone


As a result of the assessments a number of action points were decided. These include: to redesign the Housing Allocations Form; to commission research into  why there appears to be “over representation” of BME groups on the Housing Register; to have manager training on staff needs (including mediation) in the grievance procedure; to have gypsy issues awareness training for staff; to develop face to face questionnaires  with gypsy residents of caravan sites; clarification to disabled people regarding independent access and exit from buses on the park and ride Service;  to ensure effective minority community representation on the LSP;   to further development an equalities strain within the SCS;  and lastly there were a series of recommendations arising from the Scrutiny Review,  Diverse Communities many of which have been agreed by the Council.

EINAs now form part of the template for reports going to Management Team.  The programme for 2009-10 is being progressed.


UR 8

Reports to support strategic policy decisions, and initiation documents for all major projects, require a risk assessment including a sustainability impact appraisal.

This action was  introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Jim Boot

The newly established EMS Manager post is focussed on carbon reduction projects and meeting the requirements of NI 185, carbon reduction from council operations and NI 186, borough wide carbon emission reductions.  There is not currently the capacity to undertake Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) work.  The work is being outsourced to consultants at present.



UR 9

The asset management plan should provide clear forward looking strategic goals for its property assets, how they will be maintained, modernised and rationalised.

This action was introduced from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

David Tibbit

The Asset Management Plan (AMP) is reviewed on a regular basis to recognise the Council's strategic objectives and to include up to date plans based on feedback from Service Plans, condition surveys etc.

A revised and updated AMP is planned for 2010.


UR 10

The council should use its property portfolio as a driver and enabler of change and should exploit the opportunity cost of its property to deliver value for money.

This action was introduced from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

David Tibbit

The recent review of the Parkwood Industrial Estate will be considered by the Regeneration Projects Board to formulate an action plan for the site. The findings of the asset review examining property and its contribution to community benefit set against its value, its running and ownership costs and its hope value with a view to rationalisation of the estate. The opportunity for asset disposal has been deferred pending an upturn in the economic climate.



UR 11

Accurate records of all the councils land and buildings should be kept along with data on its efficiency, effectiveness, asset value and running costs. Periodic reviews should challenge whether assets are required, fit for purpose, provide value for money and meet the Council’s needs.

This action was introduced from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

David Tibbit

Data on efficiency, effectiveness, asset value and running costs continues to be collected and analysed to enable decisions on investment and disposal. Suitability surveys, condition surveys and maintenance and energy costs are used to challenge continued ownership, fitness for purpose and value for money.


UR 16

Findings of the standards committee should be communicated to the wider public and that effective action has been taken from the issues raised.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

Paul Fisher

The Head of Communications and the Head of Legal Services have met with the Standards Committee and amendments have been agreed to information on the website regarding the Committee and complaints against Councillors. The standards committee will be considering whether register of interest should be published on the website at its next meeting in September.



UR 19

The council can demonstrate a strong counter fraud culture across all departments. Staff have clearly acknowledged and accepted their responsibility to prevent and detect fraud and corruption.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Brian Parsons

The Council's counter fraud arrangements are generally satisfactory. However, a comprehensive review is currently (June 2009) taking place which is likely to lead to a revised Strategy and a programme of awareness training.



UR 20

Successful cases of proven fraud/corruption are routinely publicised to raise awareness.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Steve McGinnes

The service has now adopted a clear policy to publicise all cases of proven benefit fraud, which has been applied throughout 2008/2009 to the 14 cases successfully prosecuted.  A press release is issued for each case by the Communications Team and placed on the Councils website.


UR 21

The Council can demonstrate its staff, and staff within contracting organisations, have confidence in the whistle blowing arrangements and feel safe to make a disclosure.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Brian Parsons

The arrangements now form part of the Council's standard contract conditions. The Council's overall Whistle Blowing arrangements will be subject to review during 2009/10.


UR 22

All application forms for services and benefits have an appropriate fair processing notification permitting data sharing for prevention and detection of fraud and corruption (both acting as a deterrent to fraudsters and facilitating the extension of the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) into new areas).

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Brian Parsons

This work has now been completed.



UR 23

The Council has made effective use of the NFI application functionality to identify data matches for review. These were investigated promptly to prevent prolonged exposure.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Brian Parsons

An audit review will be carried out in July/August 2009 to confirm that data matches arising from the 2008/09 National Fraud Initiative (NFI) exercise have been properly and promptly investigated.



UR 24

The council works with other bodies such as DWP when following-up data matches from National Fraud Initiative (NFI). Details of proven frauds relating to public sector employees are shared with other bodies as per the NFI Information Exchange Protocol.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment

Brian Parsons/

Steve McGinnes

The Council does work with other bodies when following up data matches. We are in the process of reviewing matches through the last National Fraud Initiative (NFI) exercise, with arrangements in place to commence joint investigations where appropriate.



UR 30

All council standing orders and financial regulations should be updated to reflect the increasing use of partnership working and the potential challenges such arrangements pose.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment

Paul Riley

Financial regulations were reviewed and updated at the beginning of 2008/09 and Contract Procedure Rules were also reviewed and updated following a Kent wide review to enable better partnership working.



UR 34

The Council obtains assurance on a risk basis of the viability of its significant contractors’ / partners business continuity plans.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08Use of Resources assessment    in

Paul Taylor

Part of the Business Continuity Planning (BCP) process is to ask Heads of service to check BCP arrangements with key suppliers. This has been done and is now included as part of its procurement and legal checklists.


The individual BCPs are being reviewed again this year.



Ensure that all section heads are dealing with legislative requirements.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Statement of Internal control in 2006-07

Paul Fisher

A legislation matrix is updated by heads of service to confirm that they have reported on implications of new legislation. The matrix is considered on a regular basis by the corporate governance group of officers.  A new consultation database and process has been introduced which ensures that heads of service are acknowledging and responding to consultation on new legislation.  The database is monitored by Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.



Improve resilience of business-critical performance information systems as part of Business Continuity Management. Ensure that procedure notes/manuals are in place and that these are reviewed and updated as appropriate.

This action has been introduced following the Council’s Data Quality Assessment and been revised in the 2007-08 update

All Heads of Service

The Council has a corporate plan (currently being updated as part of a rolling annual review) and individual Business Continuity Plans (BCP) for key services. BCP is a requirement of all procurement exercises and included in our standard legal contracts. Individual BCPs are the responsibility of services but are kept under review by the Emergency Planning/BCP team.





The guidance issued by EMCAMS should be followed in carrying out the BVPI 199 surveys.  In particular transect selection should be carried out so that all transects are in the correct wards and this should be checked by a second officer.  All observations should be carried out between 8.00am and 6.00pm and spread throughout the working day.  No observations should be made at the weekend.

This action has been introduced following the Council’s 2007-08 Data Quality Assessment

Steve Goulette  and Georgia Hawkes

This has been completed.  The BVPI 199 indicators have now been incorporated into the National Indicator (NI) dataset as NI 195 and NI 196 and the authority will be collating data for 2008-09 in accordance with these definitions which have been circulated to all key staff.




Ensure that the action taken to improve priorities of waste collection and recycling leads to performance levels matching other Council services.

This action has been introduced following the Council’s 2007-08 Direction of Travel Letter

Steve Goulette

The Council has completed the introduction of a new recycling scheme providing a regular fortnightly collection of dry recyclables. The Cabinet agreed a revised recycling strategy in July 2007. The first phase was implemented in February/ March ’08 with the second and third phases in March ’09 and May ‘09 respectively. Initial recycling percentages in implementing the first phase have been very positive. Performance will be closely monitored. The recycling rate in 2008/09 increased by only 7%.




Ensure that women have access to top paying jobs within the authority in support of the authority's target to increase the number of women within the top 5% of earners through rigorous equality compliant processes.

This action has been introduced following the Council’s 2007-08 Direction of Travel Letter

Dena Smart

All top level posts are subject to external advert and the recent recruitment for a Director resulted in the appointment of further female employee at a senior level.



Priority: Medium






Future of Action

Gen 2

Embed the information strategy and improve links to associated strategies.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised as part of the 2008/09 update

Paul Fisher

The IT Strategy is overseen by the IT steering group. The group report to the VFM working group. The IT Strategy is reviewed annually and service planning information reports on IT requirements and therefore links to the strategy.




Supplementary planning guidance should be updated in particular the guidance on noise, housing, and shop fronts. The guidance should be coherent and written in plain language It should be amended to reflect the LDS - the Core Strategy will address this issue with an adoption date of late 2008.

This action is a ‘general’ action and was revised as part of the 2007/08 update

Brian Morgan

The adoption and preparation of the Core Strategy has been delayed by the consideration of the KIG Ltd proposal.  This has had an impact on the preparation of Development Plan and Supplementary Plan documents.  However, new guidance has been prepared in relation to house extensions and identifying areas of a specific character.  Work on noise and shop fronts remains and will be scheduled into the new LDS when it is adopted by Members.



UR 2

The Council has arrangements in place that are designed to promote and ensure probity and propriety in the conduct of its business. The Council should prepare an awareness raising campaign to publicise the element of the codes of conduct to officers and Members throughout the year.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    and was  revised in the  2007-08 update

Paul Fisher and Dena Smart

Members - briefings on the Code of Conduct take place as part of Member Induction. Members of Standards Committee have more detailed training and a refresher for all Members (including Parishes) of the code.


UR 3

Improve member engagement in the process of agreeing Gershon efficiency savings and review the council’s external funding processes to ensure that it is an embedded and structural part of financing priority services.

 This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    and revised in the  2007-08 update

Paul Riley and Paul Taylor

Members of the Executive and overview and scrutiny are closely involved in the development of the budget strategy and therefore the development of efficiency targets for services. This is coordinated alongside consultation with stakeholders over the service provision and budget strategy proposals, examples include business meetings and the budget simulator website. 

In relation to external funding, the system of allocating grant funding was amended in 2007/08 and has Member involvement.  In relation to obtaining external grant funding, this is regularly reported to Members by the Funding Officer.


UR 4

The most recent published accounts, annual audit letter, agenda, reports and minutes for meetings of council, committees and scrutiny panels are made available to the public on the Council’s website on a timely basis and in accessible formats appropriate to comply with duties under the equalities legislation.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment   

Neil Harris/ Angela Woodhouse

There is a box at the bottom of all agendas and lists of reports that states who to contact in order to arrange alternative formats.  The Council has the use of Language Line and also contact with a number of local community groups for translations. In the case of colour blind/partially or blind residents we would contact Kent Association for the Blind (KAB). Documents can also be read aloud through the PDF package.

The first stage of the implementation of a Committee Management System, named Modern.Gov, has been completed.  The system will enable an automated process for publishing items, such as agendas, minutes and Councillor and Committee information, to the website as part of the production of agendas and decisions by Democratic Services.  By linking the two elements, production and publication, we will be ensuring that the website is as up to date as possible. The Committee Management System will also introduce new features including a topic subscription facility which will allow officers, Members and the public to subscribe to topics of interest to them.


UR 7

The Council can demonstrate that there is fair access to services across the community and a successful track record in tackling inequality in outcomes.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 from the Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment   

Ian Park

The Council’s Corporate Equality Plan remains central to the delivery of this objective; the Sustainable Community Strategy technical action plan contains a large number of key actions in respect of improving equality of outcome. Successful projects in 2008/9 included; the launch of the on-line shoppers’ guide for disabled shoppers, a new edition of the access map for disabled residents, the establishment of a concessionary fares scheme for disabled people within the Borough; involvement of disability organisations in the development of the new Gateway;  the establishment of a Council “village”  at the annual MELA, promoting MBC services; an Older Persons’ Forum meeting set up as a “market place” of services for Older People within the Borough.  The Council is jointly funding with the PCT a post of Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator whose brief includes coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the District-based Choosing Health programmes targeted at areas of health inequality.



UR 12

Integrate the management of the asset base with that of other public agencies to identify opportunities for shared use of property and to ensure the best services for users.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 following the  Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment   

David Tibbit

The Council's property holdings are published on the Council's web-site and have been shared with KCC. The Gateway element of the new offices project in partnership with KCC has provided a one-stop shop for public services from the public and third sectors. Further opportunities for asset sharing are being explored through Mid Kent Improvement Partnership (MKIP) and through development of the Sustainable Community Strategy. The LSP subgroups will have equalities issues as a key aspect of their Terms of Reference. 


UR 13

Performance measures and benchmarking are being used to describe and evaluate how the council’s asset base contributes to the achievement of corporate and service objectives, including improvement priorities, sustainability objectives and set challenging targets for improvement.

This action was introduced in 2008-09 following the  Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment   

David Tibbit

A suite of property performance indicators measuring condition, suitability, accessibility, environmental performance and customer satisfaction are reported annually to members and benchmarked with other similar organisations. These have been augmented by additional indicators measuring sufficiency and spend.



UR 14

The Council fully integrates asset management planning with business planning at corporate and service levels. The role and contribution of property is explicit in business plans such as flexible working policies, ICT plans and customer access strategies.


This action was introduced following the  Council’s 2007-08 Use of Resources assessment   

David Tibbit

The Strategic Plan acknowledges the importance of asset management. Section service plans are required to consider current and future accommodation requirements taking account of changes in partnership and IT requirements. The Corporate Property Group continues to meet to consider the strategic plan, relevant corporate strategies, best value reviews and the capital programme to ensure that the asset base develops to accommodate current requirements and future changes.



UR 15

Standards committee should demonstrate that its members are prepared for their role in local investigations and determinations and support is in place to ensure such investigations are successful.

 This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2006-07

Paul Fisher

Standards Committee have had training on the Code of Conduct and the filtering and assessment of complaints.  No investigations have been undertaken since the last update.


UR 17

The Council should give evidence that employees of contracting organisations are made aware of the Council’s whistle blowing arrangements.

This action was introduced in 2007-08 following  the Council’s 2006-07 Use of Resources assessment  

Brian Parsons

The arrangements now form part of the Council's standard contract conditions. The Council's overall Whistle Blowing arrangements will be subject to review during 2009/10.



UR 18

The Council considers the opportunity side of risk management in the successful delivery of major innovative and challenging projects.



This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08

Brian Parsons

This is now an integral aspect of project management. The most obvious example remains the new depot project which provided the opportunities for a number of operational service improvements.



UR 25

The council shows understanding of its long-term costs and benefits (including environmental and social) and are taking these into account in decision making.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2006-07


Paul Riley

The medium term financial strategy identifies financial costs and benefits in the longer term for the Council's overall priorities. Option appraisals and business case analysis are used for all major projects such as capital systems, systems replacement and shared service proposal. The standard template for such appraisals and formal reports includes consideration of social, environmental, financial, risk assessment and legal issues.



UR 27

The medium-term financial strategy models balances, resource requirements, and revenue items using different planning scenarios (for example best and worst case and most likely) and links this to its risk management and financial reports.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08


Paul Riley

The 2008/09 budget strategy process developed scenario planning for the MTFS. The 2009/10 budget strategy process will refine and enhance this work.



UR 28

Budgets are linked to operational activity indicators that are lead indicators of spend


This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08


Paul Riley/ Georgia Hawkes / Steve Goulette

Budget and performance reporting is simultaneous where possible. Performance measures, monitored on a monthly basis, include a financial target where relevant targets can be identified.


UR 29

The Council’s targets for income collection and recovery of arrears stretch performance and their achievement is monitored with appropriate corrective action taken during the year to achieve the targets.


This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08

Paul Riley

The major income collection services are monitored on a monthly basis as high risk budget areas. Collection targets are set annually as part of performance monitoring and reported to the CFO, who meets quarterly with service managers to discuss results. Many examples of corrective action exist in 2008/09 where income collection has suffered from the economic climate. Corrective action by both management and members is evidenced in budget monitoring reports to Management Team & Cabinet.


UR 31

The Council has exemplary arrangements to produce reliable data and has an agreed approach with partners to produce reliable data.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2006-07

Georgia Hawkes

The Council has a sound data quality policy which is supported by an established performance management system, a data quality checklist and sign off procedure.  IN 2008/09 The Council’s data quality score improved from ‘3’ to ‘4’ in the Audit Commissions annual assessment


UR 32

The council should implement arrangements for partnership working and should have a clear understanding of the total resources at the disposal of the partnerships. Should be a track record of partnerships delivering improved value for money.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2006-07

David Edwards, Georgia Hawkes and Angela Woodhouse

All of the partnership arrangements have been based around a business case.  Value for Money is one of the key areas as well as delivering service improvement.  Given the decision making process in Mid Kent, each Council has to consider the report and their obligations when deciding to set up a shared service


UR 35

The Council can demonstrate that it uses its capital programme, with partners where appropriate, to challenge existing service models to achieve a transformation in service for users

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08


Paul Riley

The capital programme includes a number of transformational budgets such as IT Software Replacement. In addition there are a number of programme items that are supported by external funding partners or that fund the work of external partners.



UR 36

The council considers and tracks with its significant partners the impact on users when making decisions on reducing costs.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08

Paul Riley

When any budget savings are considered the decision is made at the same time as assessing performance objectives and key targets.  If there is going to be an impact on performance figures are amended accordingly.


UR 38

The Council has implemented arrangements for partnership working. It has a clear understanding of the total resources at the disposal of its significant partnerships. It is on track to deliver planned improvement in outcomes

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Use of Resources assessment    in 2007-08

Paul Taylor

The Council has recently agreed a revision of its partnership protocol which includes a team site with a partnership data base. Significant service partnerships are reported through Corporate Management team and the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership Management board. Strategic partnerships such as the Local Strategic Partnership and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership have their own separate governance and operational arrangements.




Ensure ‘right first time’ approach to data gathering, eliminate multiple points of data collection and make certain that an Audit Trail is in place.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    and was revised in 2007-08 update

Georgia Hawkes

The Council’s approach to data quality is set out in the performance plan.  It is vital that the Council has accurate information on which to make decisions and monitor progress on key priorities.  Given the approach is set out and the Council improved our data quality score to the top mark of ‘4’ in 2008 it is proposed delete this action.



The Council will continue to explore the viability using cost benefit analysis of electronic data compliance systems.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    and was revised in 2007-08 update

Paul Taylor/Dave Lindsay/ Charlie Bogg

The Head of ICT has recently reported to Corporate Management Team on the arrangements for management of ICT projects including the business case template.




Undertake a benchmarking exercise to review the effectiveness of the Council’s data quality monitoring and review arrangements (including analysis through the Kent Performance Improvement Network).

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    and was revised in 2007-08 update

Georgia Hawkes

This action has been completed and the Data Quality policy revised as required.



Examples of good practice in securing data quality are publicised to all relevant staff.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2006-07

Georgia Hawkes and All Heads of Service

Data Quality is given a high priority in the organisation, as shown by the stringent processes officers and heads of service have to go through to ensure data quality.  This is highlighted to heads of service at quarterly review of progress meetings and any issues are also discussed.  As part of the Policy & Performance team's 2009/10 drive to promote and improve data quality more good proactive examples of data quality will be publicised to staff




Undertake regular reviews to ensure that outputs are timely, accurate, clear and in a format convenient to users.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2006-07

Georgia Hawkes and All Heads of Service

Overview & Scrutiny and Cabinet were asked to comment on the format of quarterly performance reports in November 2008 and agreed that the reports were fit for purpose.  An exercise is currently being undertaken with Cabinet and Management Team to look at the format of reports for 2009/10.




Undertake an assessment of the data quality skills that are in place across the workforce and identify potential gaps and assess how well staff, understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to data quality.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2006-07

Dena Smart and Georgia Hawkes

Information champions exist in all areas to ensure the accuracy of intra & internet content. Embedded in the competencies and is part of the core values - Integrity and High Standards of Corporate  Governance

A staff survey was conducted in 2008 to review staff awareness of the data quality policy and skills relating to data quality.  The survey showed a good knowledge of data quality across the organisation.  A further survey, training and promotion of data quality throughout the organisation are planned for 2009/10.




Continue plans to carry out detailed scenario planning for performance information systems, making changes to address any weaknesses identified.

 This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2007-08

Heads of Service /Georgia Hawkes

The Council has robust procedures for collecting and validating performance data and it has been proactive in strengthening performance information systems through its risk based audit programme. These systems have been further enhanced with the introduction of the new computer based performance management system, Excelsis. Internal Audit will be carrying out a specific Data Quality audit during the current financial year (2009/10). In addition, much of the work of Internal Audit has a data quality element to it, in terms of verifying the accuracy of data at the point of input or checking data through reconciliations. In addition Internal Audit uses IDEA (Interactive Data Extraction and Analysis) software to verify data and identify data anomalies. Internal Audit also act as the ‘key contact’ for the National Fraud Initiative, a data matching exercise carried out by the Audit Commission principally to identify fraud. Participation in the Initiative also helps to identify data anomalies or data errors for correction.




Review service level agreements (SLA’s) to confirm that each one states how performance is to be reported and to set standards for data quality; establish monitoring arrangements for this aspect of SLA’s.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2007-08

Heads of Service /Georgia Hawkes

All service level agreements to be reviewed in 2009/10 to ensure key elements are included and particularly the reliability of data is ensured.



Following establishment of the competency framework, evaluate training to ensure it is current and tailored to achievement of the DQ competencies.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2007-08

Georgia Hawkes / Dena Smart

Proof reading and Report writing (Plain English Campaign) are part of the core training provision each year. All programmes receive feedback and that is used to develop future courses.



Identify the implications and impact of future developments on data quality staff skills and capacity and proactively manage these.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2007-08

Georgia Hawkes/ Dena Smart

Data quality is considered in any new developments.  For example, all officers responsible for reporting NIs have been briefed and in 2008, submitted analyses of any possible data quality issues.  Training will continued to be provided for any staff that are responsible for reporting information to continue to ensure the data is of a sufficient quality.




Undertake an analysis of the level of the risk of data being misstated, the likelihood and impact of data errors and/or accuracy required in the reported performance.

 This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    in 2007-08

Heads of Service /Georgia Hawkes

The data quality policy has been strengthened in 2009 and now highlights areas of potential significant risk that managers need to be aware of in order to be able to manage them efficiently.




Develop a Communications Strategy to ensure that residents are kept informed and managers respond to survey results.

This action was introduced following the BVPI general survey in 2006-07

Roger Adley

The Council has adopted a new communications strategy for 2009-12. 



Integrate actions developed from the Best Value satisfaction survey into service improvement work across the authority, ensuring that key issues are addressed.

This action was introduced following the BVPI general survey in 2006-07

Paul Taylor, Georgia Hawkes, Roger Adley, All Managers

The Best Value satisfaction survey has been replaced by the Place Survey, which was carried out in late 2008.  The NI results were confirmed by the Audit Commission at the end of June 2009. Work has already been undertaken to put in place action plans to improve performance for any NIs where performance is below the Kent district average.  Action plans have also been created to improve satisfaction levels with certain key services e.g. doorstep recycling, keeping public land free of litter, theatre.



As a priority, address services where an improvement in the service might be expected to result in increased overall citizen satisfaction. These service are, opportunities for participation in local decision making, housing services, the collection of bulky household waste and how "clean and tidy" the recycling sites.

This action was introduced following the BVPI general survey in 2006-07

Roger Adley

A more recent Place Survey has been conducted and action plans are being proposed to address service delivery issues identified by that survey.  Recommended that this indicator be replaced with an indicator for the Place Survey.




Priority: Low






Future of Action


Continue to integrate data quality management into the service planning process. Within these service plans, each section manager will produce a statement on how they will assure data quality and publicise expectations to staff.

This action has been introduced from the Council’s Data quality assessment    and was revised in 2007-08 update

Service Managers

The Data Quality Policy requires each section manager to be responsible for data quality policy and take account of all data quality arrangements in there service plan.  Service Planning guidance asks this to be taken account of within the performance management section of the service planning asking them to give details of how they adhere to the data quality policy.   




Improve qualitative processes for producing the financial statements to ensure the accounts presented for approval are free from significant errors and supported by a robust set of working papers.

This action was introduced following the annual governance report in 2007-08


Paul Riley 

In 2008/09 the MKIP authorities have agreed to complete a peer review. Staff at Maidstone have continued to improve knowledge and begun the process of developing resilience in the Client Accountancy Team. Key staff have attended the various workshops available and have been focused on both the production of 2008/09 statements and preparatory work for IFRS requirements.
