Contact your Parish Council







13 JULY 2009




Report prepared by Janet Barnes 




1.1           Issue for Decision


1.1.1      To consider the nomination process for Outside Bodies and to consider the responses received to the consultation with Outside Bodies.


1.2           Recommendation of the Democratic Services Manager


1.2.1      That, for those organisations who have not responded and those who have indicated they need someone straight away, the current representatives continue until an appropriate renewal time when the new nomination process, if approved, can be applied.


1.2.2      That the Group make an appointment to replace Councillor Hotson on the Local Government Association Urban Commission for a term of one year.


1.2.3      That the Group make an appointment to replace Councillor Beerling on the Maidstone Sea Cadets for a term of one year.


1.2.4      That, for those Outside Bodies where a Ward Member is required, the Ward Members agree the appropriate representative in the following priority order – ward member, local member, any other member.  If more than one nomination is received, then this Group should consider and appoint the representative.


1.2.5      That the Democratic Services Manager compiles a timetable for nominations to Outside Bodies.


1.2.6      That the nomination process as set out in 1.3.13 below for Outside Bodies be approved.


1.2.7      That the Nomination Form (attached at Appendix B) be approved.


1.2.8      That the Group appoint Councillors Beerling and Parr to the Maidstone Housing Trust.


1.3           Reasons for Recommendation


1.3.1      At the meeting of the General Purposes Group on 6 April 2009 it was resolved “That the Democratic Services Manager investigate with the Outside Bodies that appoint annually whether that is the best method for appointment and whether they would wish for longer term appointments and when would be the best time for nominations to be sought.”


1.3.2       A letter was sent to all Outside Bodies regarding 1.3.1 above, together with a request to complete the Job Specification Form and to update their organisation’s aims, if appropriate.


1.3.3      The table attached at Appendix A sets out the responses received to date.


1.3.4      Members have also been asked to complete their Annual Review Forms and those that have been returned are also noted in Appendix A.


1.3.5      Members will note from Appendix A that not all Outside Bodies have responded and any responses received after the publication of this report will be updated at the meeting.


1.3.6      Members will note from Appendix A that a number of Outside Bodies do wish to change the start date and length of the term of office for the Council’s representative. 


1.3.7      Members will note that the requested start dates vary throughout the year and some are required before the next meeting of this Group in September. 


1.3.8      The Outside Bodies who do require nominations before the next meeting of this Group are:-


Outside Body

Requested Start Date

Current Representatives

Citizens Advice Bureau



Local Government Association

   Rural Commission




Local Government Association

  Urban Commission



South East Employers


Upper Medway Internal

  Drainage Board



Maidstone Sea Cadets

1 September 2009



1 July 2009





1 July 2009




23 July 2009


July 2009




July 2009

Cllrs Mrs Gibson and

Mrs Ring


Cllr Mrs Blackmore (Voting)

Cllr FitzGerald (Non-Voting)


Cllr Hotson (Voting)

Cllr Robertson (Non-Voting)


Cllr Ash (Member)

Cllr English (Substitute)


Cllrs Nelson-Gracie and



Councillor Beerling


1.3.9      Councillor Hotson has expressed his wish not to continue as the representative of the LGA Urban Commission and Councillor Beerling has expressed his wish not to continue as the representative of the Maidstone Sea Cadets.  The representatives on the other organisations have been contacted and have indicated their wish to continue as the Council’s representatives until the next renewal date, at which time the new nomination process, if approved, can be utilised.


1.3.10   It is recommended that for those Outside Bodies listed in 1.3.8 above, the current representatives continue in post for a further year in order that the new nomination process can be fully implemented in time for the following renewal in 2010 and that the Group decide as to who should replace Councillor Hotson on the LGA Urban Commission and Councillor Beerling on the Maidstone Sea Cadets.


1.3.11   At the meeting of this Group on 6 April 2009, it was agreed that the following nominations to Outside Bodies be represented by a Ward Councillor:-


Allington Millennium Trust

Boughton Mount Trust

Collis Millennium Green Trust

Headcorn Aerodrome Consultative Committee

Hermitage Quarry Liaison Group

Howard de Walden Centre


Members will note from Appendix A that the Boughton Mount Trust will shortly be disbanded and therefore no appointment is necessary for this organisation. 


It is felt appropriate that the Ward Members agree between them who the representative to the above organisations should be.  However, it is recommended that this Group agree a priority order in the event that there is difficulty in finding an appropriate representative.   The recommended priority order is as follows:-


1st – Ward Member

2nd – Local Member

3rd – Any other Member


It is further recommended that should more than one nomination be received for a Ward Member organisation, then this Group should consider the nominations and appoint accordingly.


1.3.12   Members will note that not all organisations have responded to the Democratic Services Manager’s letter.  Organisations will continue to be reminded to return the information required.


1.3.13   Nomination Process


It is recommended that the Democratic Services Manager prepare a timetable setting out: -


a)   Name of organisation

b)   Start date of term of office requested

c)   Date to start the nomination process

d)   Date by which this Group will need to make decision


On the due date to start the nomination process, it is suggested that Members are sent all the information regarding the organisation where a vacancy is arising and invited to complete a Nomination Form (attached as Appendix B).  A deadline for receipt of nominations will be given and, should it be necessary, Group Leaders will be requested to encourage nominations.


Nominations received will then be considered by this Group and appointments made.


1.3.14   A new page has been set up on the Members Lounge on the Intranet regarding Outside Bodies.  Currently, the Annual Review template, organisations aims and a list of the representatives on each Outside Body is available.  The Job Specification Forms and other information about the organisations received and the completed Annual Review forms will be available shortly.  If the above recommendations are approved, the nominations process, the nomination form and any other relevant information will be made available


1.3.15   Maidstone Housing Trust


Councillors Beerling and Sellar are the representatives of the Council on the Maidstone Housing Trust although their term of office is due to expire.  Appointments to Maidstone Housing Trust are based on the current political balance arrangements which give 3 seats to Conservatives and 2 seats to Liberal Democrats.  These two vacancies this year are to be appointed by the Liberal Democrat Group and their nominations are Councillors Beerling and Parr.




2.1      Councillor Horne has requested that the Group consider this matter, taking into account the previous decision of the Mayoralty Group that the Mayor and Mayoress would be accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant and/or High Sheriff.


           RECOMMENDED: That the Group consider this matter.



2.2           Impact on Corporate Objectives


2.2.1      In terms of the recommendations coming forward there is no impact on Corporate Objectives


2.3           Risk Management


2.3.1      There are no risk implications for the Council with regard to nominations to Outside Bodies.


2.4           Other Implications



1                          Financial




2                             Staffing




3                             Legal




4                             Equality Impact Needs Assessment




5                             Environmental/Sustainable Development



6                             Community Safety



7                             Human Rights Act



8                             Procurement



9                             Asset Management






2.5        Background Documents


2.5.1   Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Report on Outside Bodies Review.


2.5.2 Completed Job Specifications Forms received from Outside Bodies.














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If yes, when did it appear in the Forward Plan? _______________________






Is this an Urgent Key Decision?     Yes                  No


Reason for Urgency