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Appeal List 14 03 2013

PLANNING COMMITTEE – (14 March 2013)




1.   –MA/09/1883 -      Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2
                               (no) new dwellings in accordance with plans
                               numbered 014.1179.23E; 014.1179.27C;
                               014.1179.31B; 014.1179.25C; 014.1179.28C;
                               014.1179.26C; 014.1179.29B.



        Chareda, Pickering Street Loose Maidstone
        ME15 9RH



2.    MA/12/0656 -        Widen access to provide improved sightlines,

                            widen bellmouth; and improve pedestrian access  

                            as shown on drawing numbers 

                            TSP/BRO/P2241/01B, TSP/BRO/P2241/02 and   

                            TSP/BRO/P2241/03, supported by a Design and

                            Access Statement and Arboricultural Survey and  

                            Planning Integration Report, all received 12th

                            April 2012.


                                      APPEAL: DISMISSED


                                      44 Sittingbourne Road Maidstone Kent ME14 5LP


                                       DELEGATED POWERS


3. MA/12/0922 -           Outline application for the redevelopment of the
                                      existing garage and petrol station to provide ight
                                      dwellings, with means of access to be determined
                                      and all other matters reserved for subsequent
                                      approval in accordance with drawing no.
                                      CSa/1935/107, Landscape and Visual ssessment,
                                      Planning Design and Accesss Statement, Noise
                                      Assessment by Rontec Ltd received on 18 May


                                       APPEAL: ALLOWED WITH CONDITIONS

                                       Iden Park Service Station Cranbrook Road


                                       DELEGATED POWERS



4. MA/12/1427 -              Change of use from restaurant (Class A3) to vehicle

                                         sales (sui generis), installation of roller shutter door
                                         in north east elevation, formation of landscape

                                         mound and erection of 2m high palisade fencing and

                                         gates as shown on plan numbers 224/01, 224/02,

                                         224/03, 224/04, 224/05, 224/06 and application

                                         form received 3rd August 2012.


                                          APPEAL: Allowed with Conditions


                                          Former Lily Spice Restaurant Stockbury Valley
                                          Stockbury Sittingbourne Maidstone ME9 7QN


                                          DELEGATED POWERS