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Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 4 August 2009


Budget Strategy 2010-11 Onwards


Report of: Acting Overview and Scrutiny Manager


1.      Introduction


1.1     The Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny has within its terms of reference the scrutiny of the Council’s budget.


1.2     The report of Management Team was considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 8 July 2009; the relevant Record of Decision is attached to this agenda for information.  Overview and Scrutiny is being asked to consider the Budget Strategy and Cabinet’s decision with a view to making recommendations to be fed into the final budget strategy proposal later this year.


2.      Budget Strategy 2010-11 Onwards


2.1     The following additional documents have been provided to the Committee to assist in the scrutiny of the budget strategy:


Appendix A

Revenue Budget Summary 2009/10

Appendix B

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2010/11 Onwards

Appendix C

Statement of Balances

Appendix D

Capital Programme

Appendix E

Projected Capital Receipts

Appendix F (i)

Strategic Projection – Best Case Scenario

Appendix F(ii)

Strategic Projection – Most Likely Scenario

Appendix G

Assumptions Modelled in Strategic Projection


2.2     The Head of Finance, Paul Riley, will attend the meeting of the Committee to give a presentation on the Budget Strategy; Mr Riley and the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, on behalf of the Leader of the Council, will then discuss the Budget Strategy with the Committee.


3.      Recommendation


3.1     Potential areas for discussion include, but are not limited to:


·         The Medium Term Financial Strategy – is this suitably robust?;

·         Potential areas for savings;

·         The impact of the recession;

·         Public consultation; and

·         Potential Council Tax increases for 2010/11.


3.2     The Committee is recommended to consider the Budget Strategy 2010/11 Onwards and make recommendations to Cabinet to be fed into the final budget strategy later this year.