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120925 Empty Homes SCRAIP



Committee:   Regeneration & Economic Development Overview & scrutiny Committee


Meeting Date:           25 September 2012


Minute №:     41


Topic:             Empty Homes scoping Report








Lead Officer[v]

That the principles outlined in the report are endorsed and the  Cabinet Member agrees with the Committees suggestions to improve the plan including, re-launching the empty homes hotline for property owners,  ensuring apprenticeships are used for property renovation within the scheme, and where possible the funding is invested in properties and recouped when they are sold.

Cllr John Wilson

With the exception of apprentices, which will be reviewed on a case by case basis all of the other suggestions put forward by the committee have been incorporated in to the action plan.


John Littlemore


Notes on the completion of SCRAIP


[i] Report recommendations are listed as found in the report.


[ii] Insert in this box the Cabinet Member whose portfolio the recommendation falls within.


[iii] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box either the acceptance or rejection of the recommendation.

If the recommendation is rejected an explanation for its rejection should be provided.  The ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes can be left blank

If the recommendation is accepted an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the recommendation should be recorded in this box.  Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[iv] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box when the action in indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[v] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.