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Appendix A - EQIA

Stage 1: Equality Impact Assessment

1. What are the main aims purpose and outcomes of the Policy and how do these fit with the wider aims of the organization?


The main aim of the policy is to set out how to deal with unreasonable complainants both in terms of behaviour and persistence to mitigate the impact on council resources.


2. How do these aims affect our duty to:

·           Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization and other conduct prohibited by the act.

·           Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

·           Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


The policy deals with inappropriate behaviour from complainants towards staff in respect of complainants and provides a mechanism for managing that behaviour.

3. What aspects of the policy including how it is delivered or accessed could contribute to inequality?


The policy states that all complainants should be warned prior to applying the policy and action taken on the basis of the merits of that complaint, inequality should be considered as part of this.

4. Will the policy have an impact (positive or negative) upon the lives of people, including particular communities and groups who have protected characteristics ? What evidence do you have for this?


The policy will only apply to a very small minority of complainants, for example at present we only have 2 classed as vexatious. We will need to bear in mind that this policy could have mental health implications if it is not applied sensitively this will have to be kept under review by the  Head of Change and Scrutiny