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130409_listofforthcomingdecisions appendix b

Description: MBCColourLogo





















Democratic Services Team











Publication Date: 27 March 2013





This document sets out the decisions to be taken by the Executive and various Committees of Maidstone Borough Council on a rolling basis.  This document will be published as updated with new decisions required to be made.





A key decision is an executive decision which is likely to:


·        Result in the Maidstone Borough Council incurring expenditure or making savings which is equal to the value of £250,000 or more; or


·        Have significant effect on communities living or working in an area comprising one or more wards in Maidstone.


At Maidstone Borough Council, decisions which we regard as “Key Decisions” because they are likely to have a “significant” effect either in financial terms or on the community include:


(1)                   Decisions about expenditure or savings which equal or are more than £250,000.

(2)                   Budget reports.

(3)                   Policy framework reports.

(4)          Adoption of new policies plans, strategies or changes to established policies, plans or strategies.

(5)          Approval of portfolio plans.

(6)          Decisions that involve significant service developments, significant service reductions, or significant changes in the way that services are delivered, whether Borough-wide or in a particular locality.

(7)          Changes in fees and charges.

(8)          Proposals relating to changes in staff structure affecting more than one section.


Each entry identifies, for that “key decision” –


·         the decision maker

·         the date on which the decision is due to be taken

·         the subject matter of the decision and a brief summary

·         the reason it is a key decision

·         to whom representations (about the decision) can be made


·         whether the decision will be taken in public or private

·         what reports/papers are, or will be, available for public inspection




The Cabinet collectively makes its decisions at a meeting and individual portfolio holders make decisions independently.  In addition, Officers can make key decisions and an entry for each of these will be included in this list.




The Cabinet hereby gives notice that it intends to meet in private after its public meeting to consider reports and/or appendices which contain exempt information under Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).  The private meeting of the Cabinet is open only to Members of the Cabinet, other Councillors and Council officers.


Reports and/or appendices to decisions which the Cabinet will take at its private meeting are indicated in the list below, with the reasons for the decision being made in private.  Any person is able to make representations to the Cabinet if he/she believes the decision should instead be made in the public Cabinet meeting.  If you want to make such representations, please email  You will then be sent a response in reply to your representations.  Both your representations and the Executive’s response will be published on the Council’s website at least 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting.




Reports to be considered at the Cabinet’s public meeting will be available on the Council’s website ( a minimum of 5 working days before the meeting.




The Council actively encourages people to express their views on decisions it plans to make.  This can be done by writing directly to the appropriate Officer or Cabinet Member (details of whom are shown in the list below).


Alternatively, the Cabinet are contactable via our website ( where you can submit a question to the Leader of the Council.  There is also the opportunity to invite the Leader of the Council to speak at a function you may be organising. 



Decision Maker and

Date of When Decision is Due to be Made:

Title of Report and Brief Summary:

Key Decision and reason (if applicable):

Contact Officer:

Public or Private

(if Private the reason why)

Documents to be submitted (other relevant documents may be submitted)


Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 4 Apr 2013


Report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities - Future Use of the Town Hall


Setting out the future plans for the Town Hall




Neil Harris, Head of Democratic Services




Future Use of the Town Hall Report




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 4 Apr 2013


Exempt Appendix to the Report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities - Future Use of Town Hall


Exempt appendix for HoT for Future Use of Town Hall




Zena Cooke, Director of Regeneration and Communities


Private – Paragraph 3 – Financial/ Business Affairs


Information contained within this appendix should be taken in private because it contains sensitive commercial information which would prejudice the Council’s negotiating position if publicly available.

Exempt Appendix - Future Use of the Town Hall

Enc. 1 for Heads of Terms for Future Use of Town Hall




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: 8 Apr 2013


Community Development Strategy 2012 to 2016 - Action Plan


1.1.1The Cabinet Member is asked to endorse the new Community Development Strategy Action Plan for the period 2013 - 2016.


Reason: Affects more than 1 ward


Sarah Robson




Community Deveklopment Strategy 2012 to 2016 - Action Plan






Due Date: 10 Apr 2013


Regeneration & Economic Development OSC Review of Visitor Information Centre


Report of the Regeneration & Economic Development OSC




Angela Woodhouse, Head of Change and Scrutiny





Regeneration & Economic Development OSC Review of Visitor Information Centre






Due Date: 10 Apr 2013


Sustainable Community Strategy


Refresh of the Sustainable Community Strategy 2009-2020.


Reason: Policies, Plans, Strategies


Sarah Robson





Cabinet, Council or Committee Report for Sustainable Community Strategy






Due Date: 10 Apr 2013


Customer Service Improvement Strategy


This strategy sets out the Council's vision and objectives for delivering sustainable and more customer focussed services for the future. It also details the work that will be undertaken to deliver the new model of customer service delivery.


Reason: Policies, Plans, Strategies


Georgia Hawkes, Head of Business Improvement





Customer Service Improvement Strategy






Due Date: 10 Apr 2013


Workforce Strategy


This strategy sets out the key work force issues that will need to be addressed in the future to enable the Council to deliver the organisations priorities.


Reason: Policies, Plans, Strategies



Dena Smart, Head of Human Resources





Workforce Strategy




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 12 Apr 2013


Discretionary Housing Payment


Future policy for the award of discretionary housing payments.




Stephen McGinnes





Discretionary Housing Payment




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 12 Apr 2013


Hazlitt Art Centre Tender Response


Hazlitt Art Centre - response to tender


Reason: Expenditure > £250,000


Brian Morgan, Assistant Director of Regeneration & Cultural Services


Private - commercially sensitive information following a tender process


Hazlitt Art Centre Tender Response




Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services


Due Date: April 2013


Maidstone Leisure Centre Free Lets 2013-14


To decide which applicants should be awarded a Free Let of the Mote Hall and its ancillary facilities at Maidstone Leisure Centre




Steve Goulette, Assistant Director of Environment & Regulatory Services




Appendix B - Previous Free Lets.doc

Appendix A - Free Lets Scoring.doc

Maidstone leisure Free Lets




Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development


Due Date: 12 Apr 2013


Proposed Maidstone Enterprise Centre


To consider the attached brief Business Case for expenditure of £25,000 to carry out structural and condition surveys; fesibility and concept designs for the proposed Enterprise Hub at 1 King Street (former post office building).





John Foster, Economic Development Manager




Proposed Maidstone Enterprise Centre




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 25 Apr 2013


Lease of Open Space at Penenden Heath, Maidstone


To consider the leasing of public open space at Penenden Heath to Penenden Heath Bowls Club




Lucy Stroud




Lease of Open Space at Penenden Heath, Maidstone




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 26 Apr 2013


King St Multi Storey Car Park


To consider options for the redevelopment of the site.


Reason: Expenditure > £250,000


David Tibbit




King St Multi Storey Car Park




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: 26 Apr 2013


Exempt Appendix  - King St Multi Storey Car Park


To consider options for redevelopment of the site




David Tibbit


Private - It is in the public interest that the information contained within this appendix be taken in private because it contains sensitive commercial information which would prejudice the Council’s position if publicly available.


Exempt Appendix  - King St Multi Storey Car Park




Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Due Date: Before 30 Apr 2013


Sub-lease for Apcoa


To consider a sub-lease of part of the first floor within Maidstone House to ApcoaParking UK Ltd





David Tibbit




Sub-lease for Apcoa




Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development


Due Date: 3 May 2013


Statement of Community Involvement 2013


The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when stakeholders and the local community can participate in the preparation of local planning policy documents and planning applications. Following public consultation on the draft SCI last December, approval is sought for the adoption of the document.


Reason: Affects more than 1 ward


Sue Whiteside




Statement of Community Involvement 2013




Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development


Due Date: 3 May 2013


Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment 2012


To consider the Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment 2012 amended in light of recommendations made by a cross party discussion with Officers following the SPSAG meeting on 22 January 2013.


Reason: Affects more than 1 ward


Rob Jarman, Head of Development Management




Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment 2012




Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development


Due Date: 3 May 2013


Statement of Community Involvement 2013


The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how and when stakeholders and the local community can participate in the preparation of local planning policy documents and planning applications. Following public consultation on the draft SCI last December, approval is sought for the adoption of the document.


Reason: Affects more than 1 ward


Sue Whiteside




Statement of Community Involvement 2013






Due Date: 15 May 2013


Regeneration and Economic Development Plan Consultation


To consider the draft Regeneration and Economic Development Plan for the Borough and agree its release for public consultation.


Reason: Affects more than 1 ward


John Foster, Economic Development Manager




Regeneration and Economic Development Plan Consultation






Due Date: 12 Jun 2013


MKIP - Planning Support Shared Service


The report puts forward the business case and proposals for forming a planning support shared service and seeks approval from Cabinet to enter into a shared planning support service with Tunbridge Wells and Swale Borough Councils.


Reason: Service Development/Reduction


Ryan O'Connell


Report is public - separate exempt issue for exempt appendices


MKIP - Planning Support Shared Service






Due Date: 12 Jun 2013


MKIP Planning Support Shared Service


Exempt appendices containing costs splits, investments and detailing proposed staff structures and changes that have not yet been through formal consultation processes.




Ryan O'Connell


Private 3 = Financial/Business Affairs and 4 = Labour Relations


MKIP Planning Support Shared Service




Licensing Committee


Due Date: 20 Jun 2013


Licensing Partnership Update


Updating the Committee on the current position in respect of the partnership.




Neil Harris, Head of Democratic Services




Licensing Partnership Update




Licensing Act 2003 Committee


Due Date: 20 Jun 2013


Licensing Partnership Update


To update the committee on the current position in respect of the licensing partnership.




Neil Harris, Head of Democratic Services




Licensing Partnership Update




Audit Committee


Due Date: 15 Jul 2013


Audit Committee - Member Skills


Members have previously discussed the skills that are needed in order to make a full and informed contribution to the work of the Audit Committee. The report sets out a range of skills and incorporates a self-assessment questionnaire, which will help to identify future training needs.




Brian Parsons, Head of Audit Partnership




Audit Committee - Member Skills

