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12 2100_Land adj Highfield House_urgent update

Item 16, Page 47


Reference number: MA/12/2100



Councillor Nelson-Gracie is unable to attend the Planning Committee meeting due to a prior engagement, but has requested that the following statement be put forward to Members of the Committee setting out his objections to the proposal:


“I am unable to be at the Planning Meeting tonight as I have a prior commitment. Nevertheless I wish to ensure that this Application is REFUSED, for the reasons set out in my call-in representations at Para 4.1 (pages 55-56 of Planning Committee papers). In summary my concerns are:

  1. Marden's village plans and design statements thus far have been to restrict building of residential property to south of the railway line, reserving an area in the north west of Marden (Pattenden Lane) for employment floorspace and the remainder of the area north of the railway line to remain open countryside. This is backed up by appeal decisions (see pages 70-75 of Planning Committee papers)
  2. There are a number of Heritage Assets including Listed Buildings in the immediate vicinity of the application site. The development would have an adverse impact their setting
  3. Planning applications for this site have previously been restricted to use for agricultural purposes or ancillary uses for Highfield House, which should remain the case.
  4. There will be light and noise impacts on this rural area if dwellings are erected here. Traffic pollution will also be increased.
  5. The erection of 8 houses will create an additional road safety hazard, on an entry point to the village where passing traffic is not usually following the 30mph speed limit.
  6. Overflow parking from the site is likely to be situated on the B2079, creating further hazard and create an unsightly view on the village entry point
  7. This site has not been identified in the SHLAA (2008 and 2012) or as an potential allocated housing site
  8. I strongly feel that this type of application should be considered as part of the Local Development plan and such applications should not be dealt with on an ad hoc basis. A Neighbourhood Plan is currently being developed in Marden, and recommendations from this should be considered as material planning considerations when they are published

For these reasons I would ask the Committee to support the Officers in REFUSING this application.”


My recommendation remains unchanged.