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Minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Meeting

Thursday 28 March 2013


Attendees:  Councillors Mrs Blackmore, English, Mrs Gooch, D Mortimer                          and Mrs Paterson

Officers:      Angela Woodhouse and Orla Sweeney

Apologies:   Councillor Burton


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2013 were considered by the Committee. Amendments were suggested prior to them being considered for formal approval at the next meeting

Post Decision Scrutiny

·         Identified that there was a mixed approach to following up scrutiny recommendations.

·         Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Plans had been helpful but were not always followed up by the Committee very much depended on member enthusiasm for the topic.

·         Coordinating Committee had a role in monitoring recommendations to ensure implementation at quarterly meetings.

Resolved: That

a)  Cabinet Members attend Committee meetings to present completed SCRAIPs and action that will be taken following recommendations; and

b)  The Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating Committee meet quarterly and monitor recommendations as part of their role.


Pre – Decision Overview and meetings with Cabinet Members

·      The governance review had identified the importance of using pre-decision scrutiny to ensure greater member involvement in decision making.

·      The change in Cabinet Member behaviour was welcomed in respect of their positive and proactive use of scrutiny in decision making for example the up coming decision on play areas.

·      Regular meetings with the Cabinet Member and Scrutiny Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen will ensure that they are fully aware of the work programmes on both sides and can be involved in policies and decisions at the earliest opportunity.


a)  Cabinet Member decision reports be amended so they contain contact details for the Cabinet Member and Officer;

b)  Cabinet Members make themselves available to discuss forthcoming decisions with Members;

c)   The decision notice for Cabinet Member decisions contains a section summarising any views put forward by other members on the decision and how these have been taken into account in the decision; and

d)  The Overview and Scrutiny procedure rules be revised so Visiting Members are involved and included at Committee meetings by the Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen.


Appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Members

The Committee discussed the current process for appointing Committee Members and acknowledged that this was a matter for group leaders.

Resolved: That Party/Group Leaders continue to improve the appointment process to Overview and Scrutiny Committees to encourage the right Members.

Pre-Meetings for Overview and Scrutiny

The Committee considered the use of pre-meetings and acknowledged that they had proved useful when used appropriately.

Resolved: That pre-meetings be used for Overview and Scrutiny Committees when appropriate.


Continuing Professional Development and Induction

Members discussed the current approach to member training and the budget allocated to Overview and Scrutiny.

Resolved: That

a)  A phased approach be taken to the Induction for new Members;

b)  Information supplied to new Members be accessible including contact details for key staff and information on the services provided by the Council and who to contact regarding those services;

c)   A Frequently Asked Questions list be made available to new members using the expertise of current members to identify common areas; and

d)  The training needs for scrutiny and an appropriate programme be developed by the Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen and the Scrutiny Team, this should include an annual event with other Councils and use of the Parliamentary Outreach support.

e)  A Job Description for the Overview and Scrutiny Chairmen and Vice Chairmen be put in place.


Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme

The Committee considered the best approach to this. The Centre for Public Scrutiny’s suggested approach had already been agreed at a previous meeting, in terms of the initial work programme meeting Members discussed whether to hold one big meeting and how the Cabinet Member could be involved.

Resolved: That each Overview and Scrutiny Committee meet individually to set their work programme with the relevant Cabinet Member(s) invited to give their forward plan for the year ahead.