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Maidstone Petition Report JTB Update April 2013

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          17th April 2013

Subject:                    Petitions Report

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on petitions currently being considered by KCC Highways and Transportation



  1. Petitions currently under consideration


A274 Sutton Valence Speed Limit Reduction



  1. Work undertaken


A petition was submitted in September 2012 by Sutton Valence Parish Council with over 250 signatures, requesting an extension of the 30 mph speed limit on the A274 Northwards to Five Wents junction.


Following speed surveys which indicated that the existing mean speeds of 34.1mph Northbound and 35.1Southbound (85%ile 38.9mph and 39.8 mph respectively); Kent police were formally consulted. They stated that they would not support the reduction, based on the then current guidance of Circular1/2006 and the existing vehicle speeds. The current 40mph was largely complied with and if it were reduced to 30mph would likely require constant enforcement.


Given the likely objection to the proposal from Kent Police should the proposal proceed and the likely ineffectiveness of the speed limit changes to reduce speeds, Kent County Council would not currently proceed with the request at this time. Sutton Valence Parish Council was informed of this decision.



  1. New petitions


A229 Sheals Crescent


A petition was submitted to the January Joint Transportation Board requesting road safety measures in the Postley Road and Sheals Crescent area of Maidstone. The petition was submitted following a recent fatal crash and contained over 600 signatures.


 Kent County Council have analysed the recent personal injury crash history for Sheals Crescent and Hayle Road has and there is no record of crashes involving pedestrians or excessive speeds except the recent tragic crash which had extenuating circumstances and no reasonable road safety measures could have prevented.  It would therefore be difficult, given the current circumstances, to justify major expenditure in this area. Kent Police have not indicated they consider there were any highway infrastructure concerns relating to the recent tragic event.


The County Council will continue to monitor the situation in the area and should either Kent Police or the Coroner raise any concerns about the highway as a result of this recent tragic incident, the County will take their recommendations very seriously.  The lead petitioner has been written to by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Waste and informed of this decision.






Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 08458 247800