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Clapper Farm Lane Update

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

By:                              Spencer Palmer – Head of Highway Operations

Date:                          17th April 2013

Subject:                    Clapper Farm Lane Update

Classification:         For Information


Summary: The purpose of this report is to update Members on the changes on a recommendation made by the board.





  1. A report was previously brought before the Board regarding a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and associated protection for Clapper Farm Lane.


  1. The board previously recommended proceeding with the advertising of the TRO along with the Kent Carriage Gap for protection for the lane.


  1. The order was advertised and an objection was received along with a number of comments.  Following recent issues in the lane and a further discussion with the British Driving Society it was agreed due to the limited usage by carriages on the lane and the limited protection the Kent Carriage Gap would offer, they would support the Equestrian gates with pedestrian side gates.


  1. An update was sent to the residents / County Members and interested parties including the British Driving Society, informing them of the change of position with regards to the Kent Carriage Gap. 


  1. The British Driving Society subsequently withdrew their support following the update.


  1. The purpose of the order / protection is to stop motor vehicles from driving through this section of green lane protecting the interests of the users and residents and the surface of the lane.


Current Position


7.    The objection and comments to the TRO have been considered by the Director of H&T along with the change in protection for the lane. After discussions with the two local County Members and the Chairman of the Joint Transportation Board, it has been agreed to install the equestrian gates along with radar key pedestrian side gates. 


8.    The gates will provide the protection from motor vehicles for the lane.  Unfortunately they will give a closed off look but the purpose is to stop motor vehicles, whilst allowing legitimate usage.   The Kent Carriage Gap will not offer any deterrent to motorcycles / quad bikes and in the ground conditions could be liable to damage / removal, as only 300mm high.  In addition Kent Police requires such orders to be self-enforcing and have made representation to this as part of the TRO process.


9.    It is understood this is not what everyone would like to see and clearly whatever is proposed is not going to satisfy all, but with the gates it will still allow access to walkers, wheelchair users, horses, carriages and the like.  On balance the impact on those with protected characteristics is limited and no greater than issues created by unlawful vehicular use, criminal activity and damage to the surface of the route.




Contact Officer: Richard Emmett 08458 247800