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Petitions update July JTB

Update on Petitions submitted to Kent Highway Services


A report by the Head of Transport & Development to the Joint Transportation Board





  1. A report to update the Board on the current status of petitions received by Kent Highway Services and notification of any new petitions received since the last meeting.


Traffic Calming Measures, Heath Road, Coxheath


  1. A petition was submitted in April 2008 by some 59 residents, lead by Mr A R Monk of Westerhill Road, Coxheath.  It sought action to improve the traffic calming measures installed along Heath Road, Coxheath as the petitioners felt these were dangerous.


  1. It was reported at the last meeting that Kent Highway Services (KHS) had agreed to design a third alternative option for traffic calming as neither of the two schemes recently consulted on met with public support. Following two meetings with the Parish Council a new design was produced however, this proposal has received adverse comments from Kent Police and independent safety assessors therefore, KHS have decided not to take this proposal any further.


  1. KHS will be making some necessary amendments to the existing scheme to ensure it compiles with current highway standards and will continue to monitor the situation. KHS have written to the Parish Council explaining their decision in more detail.    


Safe Crossing for Marden Road, Staplehurst


  1. A petition was submitted in May 2008 by Staplehurst Parish Council with over 150 signatures requesting a safer crossing in Marden Road, Staplehurst.


  1. Kent Highway Services have investigated this request following a meeting with the Parish Council and have submitted a bid for the provision of a new crossing, pedestrian guard railings, interactive speed sign and bus stop improvements as part of the 2010/11 Integrated Transport Programme for Kent. The details of this bid are included as part of the report on the Integrated Transport Programme for Maidstone.


Request for the Implementation of a Weight Restriction through Yalding


  1. A petition was submitted in September 2008 by Yalding Parish Council with over 570 signatures supporting a previous request for a weight restriction through Yalding and that surveys of lorry movements through Yalding and East Farleigh be undertaken.


  1. It was agreed at the last meeting of this Board that representatives of the JTB would meet with the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste to ask that the previous decision not to carry out lorry movement surveys be reconsidered.


  1. At a recent meeting with Nick Chard, the new Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways & Waste and the Chair of this Board it was reaffirmed that Kent Highway Services would not be carrying out local lorry movement surveys in the Yadling area but would target resources at tackling the issue on a countywide basis.  The County Council are currently preparing a freight strategy for Kent which outlines a list of actions as to how it proposes to achieve this.


  1. Kent Highways Services have also written to English Heritage as requested by this board in respect to concerns over the damage caused by HGV’s to the historic bridges and are awaiting a response.   


Closure of Pheasant Lane, Maidstone South


  1. A petition was submitted in August 2008 by some 120 residents, lead by Mr David Frais of Osborne House, Loose Road of the Pheasant Lane Action Group which sought the closure of Pheasant Lane to vehicles other than for residential access.  The petitioners felt the lane was being used as a rat run, was too narrow for the volume of traffic has too many blind bends with drivers driving too fast and pedestrians are at great risk.


  1. Following a public consultation which attracted the support of the majority of local residents Kent Police raised concerns that should the route be stopped up for all vehicular traffic this could potentially increase antisocial crime, fly tipping and effect accessibility and response times for the emergency services.


  1. Kent Highway Services have meet with the Police to overcome their concerns and have now passed the Traffic Regulation Order for formal publication and consultation. Following the publication of this order any objections received will be reported back to a future meeting of this Board for a formal decision to be made as to whether to close Pheasant Lane or not.


Fant Traffic Calming Scheme, Maidstone


  1. A the last meeting of this board it was reported that a petition was submitted in December 2008 by Maidstone Green Party on behalf of 346 residents of Bower Place, Upper Fant Road, Gatland Land and Glebe Lane, Maidstone requesting measures to slow and reduce the volume of traffic in these roads.


  1. It was also reported that a scheme for traffic calming for this area has been approved by the County Council for implementation. It should however, have been made clear that the scheme currently being designed for implementation only covers Gatland Lane, Fant Lane and part of Farliegh Lane. The remaining roads will be subject to further monitoring and bids once the current scheme has been implemented.


  1. The draft design for this scheme is complete and the views of the local Councillors have been sought. The full public consultation is due to start in the next few weeks and the results of these consultations will be reported back to the next meeting of this board.


New Petitions Received


  1. At the time of writing this report Kent Highway Services have received two new petitions since the last meeting of this board.


Resurfacing of Haste Hill Road, Green Lane, Brishing Lane, Church Street, Meadow View Road and Lewis Court Drive


  1. Kent Highway Services received a petition regarding the above roads with 432 residents’ signatures. The petition was acknowledged by the Community Delivery Team Leader and confirmation was sent to the Lead Petitioners stating that both Haste Hill Road and Green Lane were included in this financial year's surfacing programme. Works are due to be completed before Christmas.


  1. The remaining roads listed will be monitored as part of the routine safety inspection regime and any repairs deemed necessary to ensure public safety will be arranged by the Highway Inspector for the area.


Road Safety Measures along Walderslade Woods Road


  1. Kent Highway Services have received a petition from Mrs Gillian Tatnell from Walderslade Woods with 212 signatures requesting a reduction in speed limit with traffic islands and hatching. The petition has received the support of Boxley Parish Council although Walderslade Woods Road falls within both Maidstone and Tonbridge and Malling.


  1. Kent Highway Services are currently investigating this request and will report the results of our investigations to the next meeting of this Board.


Accountable Officer:              Andy Corcoran 01622 798378