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090729 Highway Schemes






29 JULY 2009




Report prepared by Andrew Burton, KCC Highway Schemes Manager 





1.1        For Information


1.1.1   Appendix A to this report updates Members on the integrated transport improvement schemes that form part of this year’s capital programme for Kent County Council



1.2        Background Documents


1.2.1   Item 11, Kent County Council Highways Advisory Board, 8 May 2008, “Transportation and Safety Package Programme 2008-09”

1.2.2   Item 7, Kent County Council Highways Advisory Board, 3 March 2009, “Transportation and Safety Package Programme 2009-10”

1.2.3   Item 8, Maidstone Joint Transportation Board, 28 January 2009, “Integrated Transport Plan for Maidstone 2009-10 and Beyond”


2        Discussion


2.1        Appendix A to this report details the progress of each scheme, including previous years’ schemes that were not completed by April 2009.  Progress to date is summarised and anticipated progress prior to the next Joint Board is detailed.   New schemes that are being funded as part of the 2009-10 capital programme are also described.   Due to space restrictions, certain schemes are reported in more detail as follows:

2.2        Traffic calming Coxheath (Scheme Ref MG7410 ML) it was reported to the last meeting of this Board that whilst the original scheme was completed in May 2008, public dissatisfaction with its performance has necessitated a scheme review.  Unforeseen delays have meant that this review is not yet complete and it will therefore not be possible to report the outcome until the next meeting of the Board.  A budget of £50,000 in this financial year has been allocated to implementing the findings of this review.

2.3        Quality Bus Partnership – Shepway Estate (Scheme Ref MY 06 04TD) – This scheme was deferred from 2008/09 to allow negotiations with the bus operator to be concluded.  Arriva are concerned that the existing traffic calming in Shepway Estate is unsuitable for a bus route and have strongly urged KCC to replace the speed-reducing features with measures that have less deleterious effects on buses, bus drivers and passengers.  It is the case, however, that officers and Members of both Councils are committed to retaining a low-speed environment in the estate and that significant speed reducing features are required to maintain a reasonable environment for road users.  Because it has not been possible to agree a compromise using conventional traffic calming features, KCC will trial two new road humps designed to affect buses less than cars.  These will be installed in August and their effects on road users measured over the following three months.  If they prove successful, they will replace existing road humps along the bus route through the estate.

2.4        South East Maidstone Strategic Link (SEMSL).  As reported to the last meeting of this Board, there remains a longer-term desire to bypass the B2163 through Leeds and Langley.  Because this is mainly an environmental improvement, it is unlikely to get Government funding.  However, the Local Development Framework (LDF) that Maidstone Borough Council is producing, includes the potential for new development in the south east quadrant of the town.  This might see the need for a more direct route between the A274, and the commercial area around Parkwood that might also serve the new residential development at the A20/M20 Junction 8.  The LDF process has not defined the new housing areas or new commercial development areas yet so it is not possible to advise what route SEMSL may take.  Maidstone Borough Council is currently assessing traffic flows and preparing a transport strategy to manage future development.  This strategy is expected to include SEMSL.  Provided that it is a defined transport need, publication of the Core Strategy for the LDF, possibly in autumn 2009, will see outline designs of a SEMSL published.

2.5        A229 /A26 Maidstone Bridge Gyratory   This proposal identified a new road layout and conversion to two-way traffic at the junction of Fairmeadow / High Street / Bishops Way /  Tonbridge Road and St Peter’s Street.  Extensive design work was undertaken but, as reported to the last meeting of this Board, the forecast cost has now escalated to £3.5-£4million.  Compared to other funding priorities for Kent County Council, this cost is currently disproportionate to the benefits the scheme would achieve.  Accordingly, public funding of this specific proposal is unlikely as a stand-alone scheme in the foreseeable future.  In the meantime, detailed assessment of traffic flows is being carried out to more precisely quantify the traffic benefits of the scheme.  This is using output from Maidstone Borough Council's traffic model, developed for the Local Development Framework.









Description of Works

Current Progress

Anticipated Actions for next 3 months

(Prior to next JTB)


2009 - 10

Forecast Out-turn 2008-09

Kent Highway Services


08458 247800

MG7410 ML

Traffic calming Coxheath -


06/07 scheme:  Speed management measures including physical measures to slow vehicular traffic


Original scheme completed, but review underway following public dissatisfaction with scheme’s performance.

See main body of report



Andrew Burton

MY96 05/2 TD


New Cut Rd –



2008-09 Scheme: Upgrading of existing pelican crossing to Toucan crossing

Scheme review has revealed technical issue delaying its delivery until Autumn 2009

Review to be completed and reported to next meeting of this Board



Julian Cook


MY 06 07TD


Ware Street, Bearstead

Zebra crossing west of railway bridge

Statutory consultation on outline design commenced June 2009

Public consultation to be carried out August 2009



Ben Hilden


MY 06 06TD



Traffic calming

Public consultation on outline design carried out June 2009

Scheme to be refined to incorporate views of consultees. 



Ben Hilden



MY 06 02TD



Town Centre Maidstone

Cycle Improvements

Statutory consultation on proposed contra-flow cycle lane in spur of Station Road (beside KFC) commenced June 2009

Scheme to be refined to incorporate views of consultees



Helen Cobby


MY 06 04TD


Quality  Bus Partnership - Maidstone

Scheme deferred from 2008/09: Upgrade existing bus corridors in Shepway estate

Detailed design complete

See main body of report



Andy Padgham


A229 Loose Rd/ Cripple Street, Loose

New traffic signals at junction


Developer-funded scheme required as planning condition


Details awaited



Andy Corcoran