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090804_Quarterly Perfomance Monitoring

Maidstone Borough Council


Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 4 August 2009


Summary Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report


Report of: Overview and Scrutiny Officer


1.      Introduction


1.1     In consultation with the Chairman, it was agreed that a summary of the Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report for quarter one would be provided to the Committee.  Please contact the Policy and Performance Team at if you would like a copy of the full report.


1.2     The report will be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 12 August 2009, any recommendations made by the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be considered at this meeting.


1.3     The summary report gives an overview of the performance within each of the Council’s six corporate priorities and identifies which of the indicators show a decline and which indicate there has been an improvement in performance.

Report to Follow


3.      Recommendations


3.1     Members are recommended to consider the Summary Performance Indicator Report and make recommendations to the Cabinet as appropriate.


3.2     The Committee should consider whether any issues highlighted require further investigation.