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Item 20, Page 97





Maidstone Museum, St. Faith’s Street, Maidstone




English Heritage have stated that they recommend approval, as “if anything, this amendment would enhance the appreciation of the Elizabethan core of the Grade II* Listed museum, by allowing the eastern range of the Great Hall to remain exposed to the courtyard and by allowing public access to this significant external space”. They recommend a number of conditions, mainly as suggested for the previous scheme.

Officer comments

I concur that the amendments would enhance the appreciation of the Elizabethan core of this important Listed Building. Most of the suggested matters to be dealt with by conditions are already covered in the recommendation. I propose a slight amendment to Condition 3, as detailed below.


Amend part j) of Condition 3 and add a part k) as follows:

3.         j)          Large scale details of the proposed new glazed screens, including the  junctions with the existing buildings

k)         Details of any new external finishes to the western elevation of the Lower Store