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tesco application urgent update

Item 17, Page 92


Reference number: MA/12/0232


Land at Station Approach and George Street





Additional Consultation Response: -

Since the completion of the addition report, 45 additional letters of support have been received. The points raised within these letters are summarised below:


·         It is a great idea for the village;

·         It would result in more jobs;

·         It would be more sustainable;

·         It would enhance the character of the locality;

·         It would enhance the station;

·         Would enhance the parking provision at the station;

·         A supermarket would help accommodate the future growth;

·         Would increase competition within the village;

·         The land to the north is currently unsightly and this would enhance it;

·         A nature reserve would be great.


In addition, the applicant’s planning agents have responded to the report, raising concerns about a number of points within the report itself. These include concerns over the visual analysis, and some of the points raised by the Parish Council. It is considered that the points raised by the applicant’s agent are all addressed within the report before Members.


One point raise however, is the fact that no alternative ground for approval has been included, despite this being raised at the previous meeting. In this instance, it is considered that there is no need to provide such an alternative ground, as there is considered to be significant visual harm. Clearly, should Members be minded to overturn any recommendation, Officers could advise at that point whether their grounds for approval are valid and produce an appropriate list conditions for Members to consider. 


My recommendation remains unchanged.