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Carbon Footprint 200809 APPENDIX A v2


Carbon Footprints 2006/07, 2007/08 and 2008/09


This appendix to the Carbon Footprint 2008/09 report (12th August 2009) gives a fuller picture of the Council’s carbon emissions since the baseline year of 2006/07. 


The following figures (A1 and A2) show the direction of travel over the three years of available data in total and broken down into the proportion of the carbon footprint from vehicle and building sources.


Figure A1:  Total CO2 Emissions since 2006/07


Figure A2:  CO2 Emissions since 2006/07 from vehicle and buildings sources



The data shows a reduction in emissions of 15% between 2006/07 (the baseline year) and 2007/08.  The majority of the change was due to reductions in emissions from buildings (down 22%).


As detailed in the main report there has been a 3% increase between 2007/08 and 2008/09.


The over all direction of travel from the baseline year to date is a 10% reduction of CO2.  Again the emissions from buildings account for the majority of this change (down by 16%), whereas the emissions from vehicles have risen by 5%.


The following three tables give a more detailed comparison between the baseline year, 2006/07 with 2007/08 (Table 1), 2007/08 with the most recent year, 2008/09 (Table 2), and the baseline year with the most recent year (Table 3), which gives the direction of travel over the three years.


Table A1:  Detailed Comparisons 2006/07 to 2007/08









Table A2:  Detailed Comparisons 2007/08 to 2008/09


Table A2:  Detailed Comparisons 2006/07 to 2008/09