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Minutes of Previous Meeting






Minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2013



Councillor Garland (Chairman), and

Councillors Greer, Moss, Paine, Mrs Ring and J.A. Wilson





1.           Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.




2.           Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.




3.           Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.




4.           Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




5.           Disclosures of lobbying


Councillor Paine declared on behalf of all Members that they had been lobbied with regard to Agenda Item 8 – Maidstone Sustainable Community Strategy 2009-20.




6.           Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Items on the Agenda be taken in public as proposed.




7.           Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 April 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed.




8.           Refreshing the Maidstone Sustainable Community Strategy 2009-20: Maidstone Community Strategy


Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Housing and Community Services regarding refreshing the Maidstone Sustainable Community Strategy.




1.        That Council be recommended to adopt the refreshed Strategy: Maidstone Community Strategy – your community, our priority for 2009-20.


2.        That the Head of Housing and Community Services be given delegated authority to make minor amendments to the Maidstone Community Strategy as a result of consultation including Overview and Scrutiny and key partners from voluntary and community groups in the priority areas of the borough, before being recommended to Council.




9.           Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2012 13




1.        That the provisional outturn figures for revenue and capital for 2012/13 be noted.

2.        That the provisional funding of capital expenditure in 2012/13 as set out in paragraph 1.6.3 of the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services and the resulting carry forward of £4.41m of revenue resources set aside to finance the capital programme in future years as detailed in paragraph 1.6.5 of the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services be agreed.

3.        That the carry forward from 2012/13 into 2013/14 of grant funding as detailed Appendix B to the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services be noted.

4.        That the revenue carry forward requests from 2012/13 into 2013/14 as detailed in Appendix C to the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services be agreed.

5.        That the impact on the balance sheet of the provisional outturn 2012/13 be noted.


To view full details of this Decision, please click here:-




10.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 6.51 p.m.

