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130604 Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Suggestions 2013 14

Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Suggestions 2013/14 Municipal Year




Corporate Priority


Councillor Mrs Grigg

That I would like O&S to look at the provision for mental health patients within the Borough.


For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live

Community, Leisure Services & Environment

Councillor Mrs Blackmore

·         Homelessness

·         Welfare Changes - how has MBC coped and what should MBC be doing?

·         Public Health - how effective is MBC?

·         How has the new Waste Contract worked after 6 months 

·         Play Areas

·         Parish Services Scheme - where are we now? 


For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live


Corporate and Customer Excellence (Parish Services)

Community, Leisure Services & Environment, with the exception of Parish Services which would be a joint topic with the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Committee

Anna Collier


1.   The detrimental role of Sugar to Health - Health Prevention/Obesity.


2.   Financial Inclusion – consider the effect of Payday loans, gambling premises, betting shops, Bright house in the Chequers Centre. A Licensing issue? Consider the effect of these types of establishments on vulnerable people in this economic climate

For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live



Community, Leisure Services & Environment

Richard Wadely


In response to your recent request via the VAM Newsletter, I wonder if you might consider the following topic for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

“In the light of (a) the recent ‘State of Nature’ report ); and (b) of the housing sites identified in the Borough Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, what will be the likely impact of the Council’s policies on the diversity and abundance of wildlife in the Maidstone area?”


For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live


Community, Leisure Services & Environment


The Labour party has produced a policy review on the reform of the private rented housing sector.


Private rented housing: improving standards for all sets out a range of measures designed to reform the private rented housing sector, including a national register of private landlords,  a new national private rented property standard and greater powers for local authorities in relation to corrupt and criminal  landlords.



For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live


Community, Leisure Services & Environment

Aileen Davis (Age UK)

I would like to suggest Dementia Care Services covering both services for the person with dementia and services for the carers.  We receive numerous calls from worried carers after receiving a diagnosis of a dementing illness, these concerns range from help for the person, respite, benefits, finances and community support for both.




For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live


Community, Leisure Services & Environment

Communities OSC

Troubled Families Update

For Maidstone to be a decent Place to live


Community, Leisure Services & Environment