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Committee:                   Regeneration and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Meeting Date:     6 November 2007

Minute №:           73

Topic:                   Draft Housing Strategy Review 2007


Chief Officer[ii]




Lead Officer[v]

Housing Services:

     i.        prepare a short briefing report on the impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review and the proposed plans arising from the Queen’s speech 2007 on Housing Services and the delivery of strategy


David Edwards

1.  The Council’s Budget Strategy was considered by Cabinet 19/12, and by Corporate Services O&S on 8/1, item 9.

2.  A budget simulator exercise resulted in many comments from the public supporting affordable housing

3.  The following are implications:

·       Capital programme reduction – impacts on provision of affordable homes

·       Grant reductions – impact on decent homes and energy efficiency

·       Homelessness Grant reduction/ withdrawal will impact tenancy support



Duncan Bruce

    ii.        report back on the loan scheme requested for investigation as an alternative to the grants scheme by the Committee on 23 May 2007

David Edwards

The council has joined a Kent-wide consortium that promotes equity release in order to fund works through the Home Proud scheme.


Duncan Bruce




Chief Officer[vii]




Lead Officer[x]

   iii.        report back on how the consultants targeted the postal samples for the housing need survey and an explanation of this be given in the strategy

David Edwards

See attached briefing note


Duncan Bruce

  iv.        report back to the Committee on the outcome of the Maidstone Housing Trust meeting with the Council


David Edwards

This is a matter between MHT and the Council


Duncan Bruce

    v.        The action plan be updated to reflect the changes to the targets for meeting the needs of older people and consulting hard to reach groups


David Edwards

See Housing Strategy Review, pages 47 & 48, Appendix 2


Duncan Bruce

  1. The information on the post in the policy development team in the action plan be updated


David Edwards

See Housing Strategy Review, page 48, Appendix 2


Duncan Bruce

 vii.        the figures on page 14 be updated

David Edwards

Not possible – Housing needs are only assessed every 5 years.  Housing Needs report 2005 used data as at December 2004.


Duncan Bruce

viii.        the second sentence on page 7 be reworded


David Edwards

See Housing Strategy Review, page 7, Section 2.4.1


Duncan Bruce

  ix.        the reference to appendix 7 on page 14 be changed to appendix 10, and;


David Edwards

See Housing Strategy, page 59, Appendix 10


Duncan Bruce

  1. the reference to acceptance on page 21 be explained to improve clarity.


David Edwards

See Housing Strategy Review, page 20, Section 5.2.2


Duncan Bruce



Notes on the completion of SCRAIP


[i] Resolutions are listed as found in the minutes of the relevant meeting.


[ii] Insert in this box the Chief Officer whose service the resolution falls within.


[iii] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the resolution. Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[iv] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box when the action indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[v] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.

[vi] Resolutions are listed as found in the minutes of the relevant meeting.


[vii] Insert in this box the Chief Officer whose service the resolution falls within.


[viii] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the resolution. Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[ix] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box when the action indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[x] The Officer responsible for responding to the resolution should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.