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130618Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Suggestions 2013 14

Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Suggestions 2013/14 Municipal Year




Corporate Priority


Richard Wadely

In response to your recent request via the VAM Newsletter, I wonder if you might consider the following topic for consideration by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:

“In the light of (a) the recent ‘State of Nature’ report ); and (b) of the housing sites identified in the Borough Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, what will be the likely impact of the Council’s policies on the diversity and abundance of wildlife in the Maidstone area?”


For Maidstone to have a growing economy

Planning, Transport and Development OSC

Councillor Mortimer

A subject I think needs to be addressed is the S106 agreements attached to planning applications.  I am sure I am not the only councillor
who would like the procedure and allocation scrutinised as well as looking getting an over view position on the actual process.
I think it should be in the form of a presentation from one of our senior planners and perhaps the cabinet member.   Unfortunately it will probably require two meetings but it is a contentious issue, especially when funds are allocated to KCC priorities and our local communities
appear to loose out on much needed funds or facilities in some areas.


For Maidstone to have a growing economy

Planning, Transport and Development OSC

Councillor Barned

1.   An illuminated large notice board in Jubilee Square advertising what is going on in Maidstone and places to visit.

2.   A Centre Parc project at Junction 8 to boost tourism.

3.   The regeneration of Parkwood Industrial Estate to accommodate No.4.

4.   An Ice Rink and Athletics Track which could be housed at Parkwood or Junction 8.


For Maidstone to have a growing economy

Economic and Commercial Development/Planning, Transport & Development