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130618 Planning Transport and Development PORTFOLIO


PRIORITIES 2013-2014


To take the lead within the Cabinet for ensuring that the Council delivers its strategic objectives for Maidstone to be a decent place to live and have a growing economy including a transport network that supports the economy.

Strategic Planning – in liaison with the Leader of the Council to oversee the development, review and implementation of the Council’s:

  • Spatial planning strategy including the Local Development Framework and other spatial planning documents including Development Plan Documents, Development Management policies and development briefs
  • Integrated Transport Strategy Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Performance Management - to ensure excellent standards of performance and improvement with respect to the Council’s services for:

  • Development Management including planning enforcement and land charges
  • Spatial Planning
  • Landscape Conservation
  • Building Control
  • Parking Management and Enforcement
  • Park and Ride service and the development of public transport initiatives
  • Local (District) Highways functions
  • Capital projects and programmes relevant to the portfolio

External Affairs and Partnerships

  • To represent the Council on all relevant partnerships To foster close links with key stakeholders including parish councils, the Developers’ Forum, English Heritage and transport interest groups


  • To take responsibility for relationships with funders including Kent County Council, Highways Agency