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130625 Work Programming 2012-13


Maidstone Borough Council


Economic & Commercial Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 25 June 2013


Work Programming 2013/14


Report of: Clare Wood, Performance & Scrutiny Officer


 1.     Introduction


1.1     To consider topics for the Committee’s work programme in the 2013/14 municipal year.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1        It is recommended that the Committee:


a)   Consider the suggested review topics and suggest any other topics they wish to review in 2013/14;

b)   Determine which review topics to include in the Committee’s work programme for 2013/14; and

c)   Consider the terms of reference for topics selected.


3.      Reasons for Recommendation


3.1    Scrutiny Committees are required to create a work          programme for the next municipal year.  The scrutiny team have received a number of topic review suggestions from the public, Members and Officers.  


3.2    There will be a ‘marketplace’ from 6 p.m. in Room B at the Town Hall.  This will be a department showcase and will help inform the Committee on major pieces of work for the coming year, applicable to the Committee’s terms of reference.


3.3    At the meeting the relevant Cabinet Member will present his or her priorities for the year and advise the Committee of pre-decision scrutiny work it could be involved in.  This information will be included in the ‘forthcoming list of decisions’, updated throughout the year.


3.4    In order to provide some background information regarding priority areas and responsibilities, appended to this report is the following information:


·         The Committee’s remit;

·         Relevant issues referred to the Committee by the 2012/13 Overview and Scrutiny Committees & Review suggestions from the public, Members and Officers; and

·         The Council’s priorities and outcomes as identified in the Strategic Plan.


3.4    Members of the scrutiny team will lead a workshop with the Committee to gather ideas that have come forward on the night and explore suggestions in more detail.  Members will then agree which topics to review and begin to structure its 2013/14 work programme. 


4       Setting the Work Programme


4.1    Unfortunately the Committee does not have the time or resources      available to review all of those topics identified by Members as of interest.  The Committee is therefore required to select the topics          for review it feels are most important for 2013/14.  The following considerations may assist Members in its decision making:


·         It affects local people (community outcomes)

·         Will bring improvements for local people and/or the council

·         It relates to a poor performing service


4.2    The draft work programme can be used to help Members set a timescale for review topics by allocating Committee meetings to interview witnesses and to which completed review reports can be presented to Committee.


4.3    The complete work programme does not need to be drawn up   immediately; Members are recommended to allow some flexibility in      the work programme to allow for new issues to arise.


5.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


5.1        The Committee will primarily consider reports that deliver against all the Council priority: ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy.’


          5.2    The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of   the Council’s priorities.  Actions to deliver these key objectives may          therefore include work that the Committee will consider throughout the coming year.





·         Draft work programme – Appendix A

·         Relevant issues referred to the Committee by the 2012/13 Overview and Scrutiny Committees & Review suggestions from the public, Members and Officers – Appendix B

·         Committee’s terms of reference – Appendix C

·         The Council’s priorities and outcomes as identified in the Strategic Plan – Appendix D