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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2013 @ 6.30 PM




Councillor Garland (Chairman), and

Councillors Greer, Moss, Paine and Mrs Ring





20.        Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor J A Wilson.




21.        Urgent Items


The Chairman indicated that the reference from Audit Committee regarding Property Investment would be taken as an urgent item.




22.        Notification of Visiting Members


Councillors English and Gooch indicated their wish to speak on Agenda Item 8 – Capital Programme Review Report.


Councillor Burton indicated his wish to speak on Agenda Item 11 – Property Investment and Agenda Item 12 – Museum East Wing Project Review.


Councillor Newton was in attendance and spoke on Agenda Item 12 – Museum East Wing Project Review.




23.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




24.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




25.        Exempt Items


RESOLVED: That the Item on Part II of the Agenda be taken in private as proposed.




26.        Minutes


RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 May 2013 be approved as a correct record and signed.




27.        Capital Programme Review Report




1.        That delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to respond to the recommendations of the Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee by way of a Scrutiny Recommendation, Action and Implementation Plan (“SCRAIP”).


2.        That the recommendations to delegate authority to the Property and Procurement Manager be amended to the Head of Finance and Resources.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




28.        KPI Target Report 2013/14




1.        That the targets set out at Appendix A to the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny for the Key Performance Indicators for 2013-16 be agreed.


2.        That the amendments to the indicator as set out at Appendix B to the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny be agreed.


3.        That the changes to the Strategic Plan Actions as set out at Appendix C to the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




29.        Strategic Plan Annual Performance Report


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny regarding the end of year Strategic Plan action updates, Improvement Plan updates and Key Performance Indicator out-turns for 2012/13.




1.     That the performance out-turns and end of year Strategic Plan action updates in the Strategic Plan Annual Performance Report attached at Appendix A to the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny be noted.


2.     That the update on the Improvement Plan work streams attached at Appendix B to the report of the Head of Change and Scrutiny be noted.


3.     That it be noted an action plan will be developed to tackle the decline in the overall employment rate (AMB 001).




30.        Property Investment




1.        That agreement be given to broaden category b) for prudential borrowing for the purpose of property investment as approved previously by Cabinet in September 2012 as follows:


“b)     Residential property including derelict and long term empty property, in order to restore and bring them back into use and property suitable for use as temporary accommodation, in order to reduce reliance upon bed and breakfast accommodation.”


2.        That the inclusion within the assessment of the business case of the benefits gained from real terms cost reductions as well as the income generated directly by the investment property be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-




31.        Exclusion of the Public from the Meeting


RESOLVED: That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business because of the likely disclosure of exempt information for the reasons specified, having applied the Public Interest Test:-


                                                                Head of Schedule 12A and

                                                                Brief Description


Report of the Chief Executive                    1 = Individual

- Museum East Wing Project Review          3 = Financial/Business Affairs




32.        Museum East Wing Project Review


RESOLVED: That the recommendations set out in the exempt report of the Chief Executive be approved.




33.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 8.10 p.m.

