Contact your Parish Council










          Recommendations agreed from previous years and ongoing commitments (costs are approximate)



No of Members





Planning Summer School



Those to attend to be agreed at Planning Spokespersons meeting –each member to attend a different mobile workshop so that the fullest learning opportunity is taken advantage of. Upon return, members to disseminate all relevant information and learning points to members utilising the mechanisms as highlighted in the Member Development Policy.


£980.00 pp approx

(With multi buy and early bird discount)




General Planning Committee Training






New members only



All committee members and open to all members

Parish members will be invited to some sessions


Basic Planning awareness for all new members done in 3 modules by internal officers.  



When new legislation is introduced our internal officers will ensure that all members of the committee are kept up to date and will carry out briefings/workshops as necessary with the support of Learning and Development.





Officer time only






Planning Tour





Localism in relation to planning

Committee, Subs, Cabinet





All members/


This is a tour of local planning sites and is used as a learning tool through observation and discussion. The tour of planning sites is part of the MBC Constitution’s Planning Code (Section 13).  The Planning Code states that this tour has to be arranged at least annually.


The areas from of the Localism Bill Act that impact on Planning will be shared with members as and when they emerge. Sessions will be developed with officers and members of the planning committee as appropriate[ER1] 


Cost only related to expenses[ER2] 





Officer/member time only








Overview & Scrutiny

Overview & Scrutiny







New members




Open to all members



All O&S committee members and open to all members



Members Scrutiny Academy (annual conference). We Rrecommend that the 3 Chairpersons attend the conference as agreed by the Head of Policy and Communication and Overview and Scrutiny Conference of their choice


New members of any Scrutiny committee will attend training on General Scrutiny skills, run by internal officers.



Awareness and refreshers will be provided to all committee members as needed - internally. Scrutiny Surgeries will be available during the day and in the evenings.


In addition formal training will take place on areas as they are identifiedto be confirmed.





£149.00 PP






Officer time only






Officer time only


Officer time only


External trainer/facilitator supported by Internal officers
























Licensing Training






National Training Event (ex Conference)


All committee

Members & subs






Ongoing requirement to update committee on legislation, often also complimented by briefings by officers. This training will be done on the days that the committee meeting falls and will be no longer than 2 hours. This will cover all key topics, e.g. Gambling, Licensed premises, Hhackney Carriage and Private Hire etc.


One Spokesperson of Licensing to attend the annual conference for Licensing which updates on new legislation and best practice. Upon return disseminate all relevant information and learning points to members utilising the mechanisms as highlighted in the Member Development Policy.


Officer time only







£240.00 (approx)












Audit Committee Training


Audit committee members and subs

Audit committee will require training.


A new training needs analysis will be carried out in September 2013.  From this the learning needs and approach can be detailed specifically. It is likely that some external training will be needed, thus some funds have been set aside for this. If all or part of these funds are not utilised then these funds will be maintained in the  budget for ‘ad hoc’ general training needs that may arise over the coming year.


Officer time only




















Open to all members

Training proposed for 2013-2014 to include:

General housing legislation overview (homelessness & new build)

The new Allocation Scheme

Housing Assistance Policy (grants)

Private Sector Housing enforcement and interventions


Officer time only



LGA Conference


The Leader to attend this conference,  if the Leader is unable to attend then 1 member from the Cabinet


£495.00 PP


LGA Rural Assembly



One member to attend






Cabinet Away Days


There are a number of Cabinet away-days throughout the year focusing on various priorities, these are set up and run with members by CLT with input from Senior Managers as appropriate.


Officer time only







1 councillor

One Member to attend this training and upon return disseminate all relevant information and learning points to members utilising the mechanisms as highlighted in the Member Development Policy.




Inductions for new members

All new members

We run 2 inductions for members are held 1 internally and 1 in conjunction with SEE covering[ER3]  regional topics. This is then supported as per the Member Development Policy by Group Leader support.


New members would benefit from having a mentor when they first join the Council.  To support new (and existing) members, Mentoring Training will be provided to a group of existing councillors from across the partieseach group who will then be able to act as a Mentor to new members when they join.

Officer time only and some expenses




£750.00 (estimate)









General Training




Offered to all members









Effective Questioning (types of questions, preparing questions for committee, personal impact)


Chairing Skills


Support for Ward Councillors

Using Social Media



£600.00 per session (estimate)


External trainer/facilitator supported by Internal officers






Pilot Group

Use of Tablets



Officer time only




Member Personal Development Planning sessions are also on offer to any member delivered by the Learning & Development Shared Service Manager


In addition - other training sessions that are included on the Corporate Training Calendar are also on offer to members. For example Accelerated Reading, report writing etc – there is not normally a charge for this if the course is well subscribed













Total currently allocated


Budget for 13/14


Variance to be held in budget for emerging needs









 [ER1]Need to revise this as the Bill is now an Act – might need to be more general i.e. Planning updates

 [ER2]What does this mean?

 [ER3]Full title