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MINUTES OF THE Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee (ACTING AS THE CRIME AND DISORDER OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE) meeting held on Friday 26 April 2013



Councillors Mrs Blackmore (Chairman), Brindle, Mrs Joy, D Mortimer, McLoughlin, Mrs Parvin and Vizzard



85.       The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast.


It was agreed that the meeting would not be web-cast as the facilities were unavailable at the meeting venue.




86.       Apologies.


Apologies were received from Councillor De Wiggondene.




87.       Notification of Substitute Members.


There were no Substitute Members.




88.       Notification of Visiting Members.


There were no Visiting Members.




89.       Disclosures by Members and Officers.


There were no disclosures.




90.       To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


It was agreed that all items be taken in public as proposed.




91.       Minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2012.


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2012 be agreed as a correct record and duly signed.




92.       Safer Maidstone Partnership - Draft Strategic Assessment 2013-14


John Littlemore, Head of Housing and Community Services and Sarah Robson, Community Partnerships Manager presented the Safer Maidstone Partnership – Draft Strategic Assessment 2013-14 to the Committee, explaining that the strategic assessment set the Safer Maidstone Partnership’s priorities for the year which were:


·         Antisocial behaviour

·         Domestic Abuse

·         Substance Misuse

·         Road Safety

·         Reducing Re-offending


Chief Inspector Jon Bumpus, District Commander for

Maidstone and Chairman of the Safer Maidstone Partnership, Ian Park, Maidstone Domestic Violence Forum: Lead for Domestic Abuse Sub-Group and Angela Painter, Kenward Trust: Lead for Substance Misuse Sub-Group were invited by the Committee to join its discussion in their capacity as priority leads for the Safer Maidstone Sub-Groups, the structure for which was shown on page 6 of the agenda.


Chief Inspector Bumpus responded to Members questions on the performance of the Sub-Groups and the impact of their actions on the crime statistics included in the Strategic Assessment document.


The Committee were informed that 45% of all Violent Crime had links to Domestic Violence and work on reducing re-offending was being undertaken by the Reducing Reoffending Sub-Group. The work of the substance misuse action sub group was also noted.


With reference to the crime figures Ian Parks explained that Domestic Violence (DV) was not going down and nor would he want it to.  He informed the Committee that victims of DV statistically did not report the crime until the third occurrence.


The Committee considered Maidstone’s street population and the issue of homelessness.  It felt that there was a need for improved co-ordination between the groups involved such as the Maidstone Borough Council task group and Maidstone Christian Care to identify the issues and to enable efficient and effective working.


Angela Painter from the Kenward Trust explained that the Trust had addressed alcohol dependency amongst the street population in the borough.  It had used people with real experience of being in that situation to speak to those currently in that position.  Mrs Painter told the Committee that it was important to provide interventions at the right time and agreed that intelligence needed to be shared.  Mr Parks added that street homelessness was about early interventions and it was more cost effective to keep someone in their home rather than trying to remedy the situation afterwards.


In terms of the Anti-Social Behaviour and the consumption of alcohol in the street, primarily in relation to the night-time economy, Chief Inspector Bumpus informed Members that a section 27 notice could be used which would ban a person from the high street for 24 hours.  It was considered a very useful intervention which had a massive impact on crime.


The Committee identified communications as an area for improvement for the partnership.  It felt that it was often a negative perception of crime that overshadowed what was actually being achieved. It was therefore important that this was communicated to the public.


Members were informed about a schools programme which was challenging unacceptable behaviours and tackling priority issues through education. Young people were also engaged with through the Youth Forum and Switch café.  A bid had been made by the youth forum for £15,000 for diversionary activities in rural areas of the borough.


Members were also informed of the work being undertaken by the Community Partnerships team and the launch of  a youth involvement and service directory website.


Members questioned the issue of school exclusions. It was explained that this would be addressed by the Troubled Families Programme which had recently changed its name to ‘Maidstone Families Matter’.


The Committee discussed the upcoming SNAP disco, an event for young people in Maidstone supported by Maidstone Borough Council, Kent Police and Golding Homes, amongst others. It considered the growing trend for under-18 discos in the Town Centre’s night-time establishments and questioned Maidstone Borough Council’s and Kent Police’s involvement.


Chief Inspector Bumpus explained that Maidstone Borough Council’s only jurisdiction over this would be with regards to licensing.  He informed the Committee that premises did not have to advise the police of under-18 events but that the Police would like better notification as it wanted to be visible and have the ability to advise on parental pick-up points and ensure safe events.


The Committee felt that this topic could be investigated by the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


It was resolved that:


a)   The Safer Maidstone Partnership – Draft Strategic Assessment 2013/14 be noted;

b)   The use of licensing be noted as topic as a topic for review by Overview and Scrutiny; specifically the Policing and safety of the night-time economy and the emerging market for under-18 entertainment; and

c)   There be better coordination between groups involved with homelessness in Maidstone facilitated by Maidstone Borough Council’s task group and including Maidstone Christian Care to enable joined up thinking between organisations and communication on issues so groups are not working in silo.




93.       Information only: Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Protocols


94.       Duration of Meeting



9.30 am to 11.15 am
