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Actions for 2013/14 as identified in the last Annual Governance Statement:

Governance Issue

Action Taken

By When

By Whom

Corporate Leadership Team have identified a need to Review the Council’s approach to Information Management

Objective Consultants have completed their review of the Council’s approach to information management the findings from the review will be considered by CLT along with appropriate action on 3 December 2013

30 September 2013 – Review Completed

Anna Collier, Project Manager

David Edwards Project Sponsor

Angela Woodhouse – responsible officer for Information Management

Embedding Corporate Governance and Ensuring Best Practice is identified

A corporate governance working group has been set up to report into the Audit Committee on governance issues and the progress of the action plan. The group has met once and an additional meeting is planned to review changes to the constitution and relevant matters from the information management audit

Quarterly with updates to Audit Committee in October and March

Angela Woodhouse

Project Management

The report into the Museum  East Wing project by the Chief Executive has confirmed that project management arrangements have significantly improved to address financial, planning and procurement of capital projects.


Paul Riley, Head of Finance and Resources  reporting to CLT who will continue to monitor the adequacy of project management in the context of “lessons learned” from the Museum Project.

The Council undertook a follow up Stress survey in December 2012. This showed that we have improved on most areas from the one in 2011.  However action is still required  to return to the ideal levels of stress in the organisation.

As a result of the original stress survey in 2011 the Council developed the one council engagement plan to focus on engaging all staff in our priorities. Following on from this initial piece of work we have now appointed the People Lab to review how we engage with employees looking at support for managers, developing a coaching culture and tools for employee engagement on our priorities.

The work with the People Lab has started and the revised competency framework is now in place

Tools for managers will be used throughout the year in accordance with the one council engagement plan.

Dena Smart and Corporate Leadership Team

Testing the Council’s approach to Strategic Planning and Meeting its outcomes for businesses and residents in regard to the economy

Corporate Peer Challenge from the LGA


The review was completed and the final report will be going to CLT in December any actions relevant to Governance will be added to this action plan

31 October 2013

Cabinet and Corporate Leadership Team

Members’ Professional Development


The governance review  in 2012/13 identified that this was an area for improvement particularly in relation to Members leading and owning their development.

The Member Development Policy has been revised and moved to Democratic Services to bring it closer to Members. Members will be asked via committees to identify their training needs and the process for attending conferences will be simplified.

Policy Approved 10 July 2013


Implemented during 2013/14

Democratic Services and Members

The Council’s Communication and Engagement Strategy will be revised in 2013/14

Revised Strategy to accompany the Strategic Plan refresh. A revised strategy has been drafted, this will go to overview and scrutiny in January.

Overview and Scrutiny Invited to Review January 2014.


Approved by Cabinet February 2014.

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

The residents survey identified that more work needed to be done to engage young people with the Council

An action plan has been developed and put into place as one of the Council’s equality objectives.


The Communications team have developed a Social Media Policy

The plan has milestones to be achieved by the end of March 2014

Roger Adley Communications Manager

Engagement of the Public in Local Decision Making

Consultation will be carried out to identify issues of public concern for debate.


Meetings of full Council will then take place on a topic of interest identified by the public.


Following the Audit Committee’s concerns the Communications team are now reviewing whether this is the most appropriate way to engage the public in local decision making

To be conformed once actions are identified

Communications and Democratic Services



Can: Risk Management Strategy and action plans agreed and implemented

Operational risks incorporated into service plans

Risk Management is considered in all reports to Corporate Leadership Team and Members

Formal Risk assessment is required for decisions on strategic issues or which seek approval for significant projects and funding

Reported to Audit Committee
Can: Monitoring Officer, attends all meetings of the  Corporate Leadership Team  (CLT) 
Effective Overview and Scrutiny Committees
Standards and Audit Committees in place
Corporate Project Board oversees all key projects
Effective Internal Audit partnership
Audit Reports produced for service areas in line with the approved Audit Plan
Annual Audit report to Audit and Council
External Audit,  produce a number of reports which are reported to management

Local Code of Corporate Governance agreed annually

Appendix B - Pillars of Governance

Performance and Financial Management


Transparency and Partnership Working


Risk Management

Can: An Annual Performance Plan is in place aligned to the Strategic Plan

Reach the Summit monitors performance of services internally on a quarterly basis

Quarterly performance reports to CLT, Cabinet and Scrutiny

Annual Corporate Planning cycle in place to identify service planning, risks and budget requirements

Regular meetings held with heads of service to monitor performance and ensure compliance with a range of corporate policies

IiP accreditation and health checks

Treasury Management Code 
Prudential Indicators monitored daily


Can: Complaints monitored and reported quarterly to CLT and Scrutiny
Reports available on the council’s website
Senior Salaries, Spending with Suppliers and  Contracts published on-line
The Locality Board is in the process of being reviewed, the Board has several working groups in place to meet corporate priorities in partnership with private public and voluntary and community sector partners.
A partnership protocol has been adopted for the Mid Kent Improvement Partnership