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Report of volunteers coming to the Town Hall from April to September 2013

1.    Number of would-be volunteers registered: 249  volunteers

2.    Percentage of volunteers successfully placed: 27%

3.    Gender of would be volunteers: 65% Women  and 35% Men

4.     Age range:



5.    Employment status


6.    Disability status

7.    Motivations of volunteer

Volunteers - Reasons Motivations.bmp


8.    Causes they are interested in

9.    Activities they are interested in

10.  Town Hall enquiries:

11.  Volunteer reviews

“I am really pleased with the voluntary placements i have got. i have finished my first part of training to be a gateway assessor for the cab and i do voluntary for foster street doing admin. it is all thanks to the volunteer centre”

“I'm getting very involved with HaMC and I'm very much enjoying it. They say I am making a difference, which is all that matters”

“It is better to give than to receive” - so we are told. In the five years since I retired from the Heart of Kent hospice (and even on occasions before that) I have done volunteer work for various bodies. It is sometimes hard, often challenging, demanding, exhausting even, but unfailingly rewarding - not in terms of monetary reward but those of Joy and Happiness, and the warm glow of a friendly and grateful smile.

“The service was very helpful and the organisation I was volunteering for was a great place to work and I thoroughly enjoyed gaining experience and working with the people at British Wireless For The Blind.”

“thank you very much it has been an incredible and delighted experience”

“I love working at Stoneacre. I set out to work as a steward in the house but helped in the garden on the first day and loved it so much that I decided to continue there.
The gardens are beautiful and the other volunteers lovely, as are the tenants.
I really couldn't have found a better place to volunteer at, thank you for introducing me to Stoneacre!”

“This is already making a big difference to my life and thoroughly enjoyable. it is going well and have been accepted as a full member of staff.”

“I really feel valued and have gained experience in an office environment. The Manager Lyn has stated she will gladly give me a reference if required. I am still volunteering for age Concern until a full time job becomes available.”


"I started to volunteer about 2 years ago because i had the classic symptoms of "empty nest syndrome" - the kids had left home - the dog had just died and no one seemed to need me any more! Volunteering made me feel useful again and I have met some lovely people along the way" 


We have started a volunteer Co-ordinator forum, whereby people who manage volunteers are invited to come along and share good practice and discuss common issues. The first one was held in October and 30 people attended. The next one is scheduled for Jan 2014.