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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2013



Councillor Garland (Chairman) and

Councillors Greer, Moss, Paine, Mrs Ring and J.A. Wilson




114.     Apologies for Absence


It was noted that Councillor Greer would be late in arriving at the meeting.




115.     Urgent Items


The Chairman said that he had agreed to take the report of the Head of Finance and Resources relating to the Budget Strategy 2014/15 – Revenue as an urgent item as the budget setting timetable for the Council necessitated urgent consideration of the information in the report to ensure that the Council was in a position to set a balanced budget by the statutory deadline.




116.     Notification of Visiting Members


There were no Visiting Members.




117.     Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




118.     Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




119.     Exempt Items


RESOLVEDThat the exempt Appendix to the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities relating to the proposed establishment of an Enterprise Hub in Maidstone town centre be considered in public, but the information contained therein should remain private.




120.     Minutes of the meetings held on 28 November 2013 and 4 December 2013


RESOLVEDThat the Minutes of the meetings held 28 November 2013 and 4 December 2013 be approved as correct records and signed.





121.     Strategic Plan Refresh 2014-15




a)        That the refreshed Strategic Plan 2014-15, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Chief Executive, be agreed for consultation and consideration by the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee subject to the following:


Page 30 of the agenda - Outcome: By 2015 Maidstone has decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures


        Second paragraph – Amend the first and second sentences to read:


        The independent housing needs analysis conducted as part of the Local Plan process identifies that Maidstone has an objectively assessed housing need of 19,600 new dwellings from 2011-2031.  The Council will be working to get a suitable housing target agreed.


b)        That it be noted that the performance measures and targets in the plan will be further updated and reported as part of the annual performance management cycle at the end of the financial year.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




122.     Budget Strategy 2014/15 Onwards - Capital




a)        That the following be approved for consultation:


i)      the draft Medium Term Financial Strategy for capital as set out in Appendix B to the report of Corporate Leadership Team;

ii)     the capital funding projection as set out in Appendix C to the report of Corporate Leadership Team adjusted to include an additional £63,911 of New Homes Bonus for 2014/15; and

iii)   the proposed capital programme 2014/15 onwards as set out in Appendix D to the report of Corporate Leadership Team adjusted to incorporate the additional New Homes Bonus funding within Transport and Highways.


b)        That the use of the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s budget working group as the all-party sounding board for capital proposals be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




123.     Budget Strategy 2014/15 - Fees & Charges




a)    That the proposed fees and charges for 2014/15, as set out in detail in Appendix A to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, be approved; and

b)    That the proposed changes to income budgets that occur as a consequence of the proposed fees and charges, as set out in paragraph 1.3.7. of the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, be approved.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




124.     Maidstone Enterprise Hub




a)        That the Enterprise Hub project be progressed;


b)        That the former Crown Post Office at 1 King Street be confirmed as the preferred location for the Enterprise Hub, as recommended by the Enterprise Hub Project Board;


c)        That the project be part funded to the sum of £700,000 by the Capital Programme;


d)       That a bid be submitted to KCC’s Workspace Kent Challenge Fund to support the Enterprise Hub project;


e)        That delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, to agree lease terms with the Landlord of 1 King Street;


f)         That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration and Communities to develop and agree the final design, specification and operational management plan for the Hub in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development;


g)       That delegated authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to enter into a contract for the leasehold acquisition of 1 King Street (on terms to be agreed by the Director of Regeneration and Communities) subject to the bid to KCC being successful, and the Operational Management Plan being approved; and


h)       That, following a tender process, authority be given to the Head of Legal Services to enter into the necessary contracts for the refurbishment of 1 King Street, subject to g) above being completed.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:


Note:  Councillor Greer entered the meeting during consideration of this item (6.47 p.m.).




125.     Changes to the Maidstone Locality Board and Proposals for the Establishment of a Maidstone Partnership Board




a)    That the formal establishment by Maidstone Borough Council of a Maidstone Partnership Board in partnership with Kent County Council and other partner organisations, which builds on the working arrangements of the previous Maidstone Locality Board, be approved;


b)    That the draft terms of reference of the Maidstone Partnership Board, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities, be approved; and


c)     That the review of the delivery groups referred to in paragraph 1.3.14 of the report of the Director of Regeneration and Communities be approved.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




126.     Refresh of the Corporate Improvement Plan for 2014-17




That the draft Corporate Improvement Plan 2014-17, attached as Appendix A to the report of the Head of Finance and Resources, be approved for consultation with the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




127.     Council Tax 2014/15 - Collection Fund Adjustment




That the anticipated balance on the Collection Fund as at 31 March 2014, as set out in the report of the Head of Finance and Resources, be agreed and that the surplus be distributed as follows:




Maidstone Borough Council


Kent County Council


Kent Police Authority


Kent and Medway Towns Fire Authority






To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




128.     Budget Strategy 2014/15 Onwards - Revenue




a)    That the report and the financial settlement for 2014/15 be noted, and that the Officers be requested to bring forward additional savings proposals to meet the shortfall of £62,000 for presentation to Portfolio Holders and the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2014;


b)    That the Cabinet notes the earlier than anticipated significant reduction in Revenue Support Grant for 2015/16 and, in the light of the full review of the Council’s Strategic Plan during 2014, requests proposals for prioritisation, transformation and commercialisation of services that reflect this reduction of resources at the earliest opportunity;


c)     That the provisional allocation of the local council tax support funding, as set out in Appendix B to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, be notified to parish councils along with their tax base;

d)    That the proposed savings, as set out in Appendix C to the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, be agreed; and

e)    That the proposed actions with regard to the recommendations of the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in section 1.9 of the report of the Corporate Leadership Team, be agreed.


To view full details of this decision, please follow this link:




129.     Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 7.10 p.m.

