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140121 DraftWorkProgramme

Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2013-14

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

18 June 2013

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Leader & Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment

·         Work Programming Workshop 2013-14


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2013-14

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council & Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

23 July 2013



20 August 2013

  • Development Management Policies for Local Plan
  • Public Consultation Approach for the Maidstone Local Plan
  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

TRAINING 28 August 2013

  • PowerPoint presentation to explain the methodologies behind the SHMA/SLAA/SEDLAA and how the Sustainability Appraisal fits into the process
  • Background and preparation for the September and October meetings

17 September 2013

SPECIAL MEETING to act on the instruction of the extraordinary Council meeting on 2 September 2013 to the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee

  • The Committee to update Council on 18 September

26 September 2013

EXTRAORDINARY MEETING.  A second, follow up meeting to hear further evidence from Boughton Monchelsea Parish Council and Maidstone to enable the committee to make a recommendation in response to Council’s instruction.

  • To respond to Council’s instruction.

15 October 2013

·         Infrastructure Delivery Plan


  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

19 November 2013

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy

·         Mid-Year Five Year Housing Land Supply

·         Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft - Group 2 Policies

  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

2 December 2013


·        Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft - Group 2 Policies

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy



  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

17 December 2013

  • Solar Farms
  • To consider the report and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

21 January 2014

  • Draft Integrated Transport Strategy – Vision and Objective
  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft – Group 3 Policies
  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy
  • Annual Monitoring Report 2012/13
  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

18 February 2014

  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft (Regulation 18)
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (Training to be scheduled before the meeting)


18 March 2014



15 April 2014

·         Evaluations of Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year


·         Planning Enforcement (TBC)