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Comments in Support (13)


Yes a very good idea as I’m sick and tired with facing this situation every evening after a long day at work, there is never any space to park.  We have one car in the garage + can never get the second car parked.  In result of this we have received numerous parking tickets as there was no other option!!


We are in full agreement of the proposal due to the stress and upset between neighbours at Boarley Court and the inconvenience caused to everybody at the flats.  The pretty grounds are constantly being ruined by residents having no choice but to park on our green.  Not to mention dangerous parking.  The sooner the proposal is complete, the better.


I approve of the proposal to remove the double yellow lines re: Cuckoowood Avenue.  Hopefully this will help the daily stress of parking at Boarley Court.  The sooner this PROBLEM is resolved the better for ALL concerned.


In full agreement to proposal.


Overall, I believe that this new proposal would be acceptable.  I would wish to make a couple of comments however (see attached map).

1)    Removing 2 metres of the existing double yellow lines from this position would ensure that we could always park 3 cars in this position, without ‘bunching’.

2)    Leaving 3 metres of the existing double yellow lines by the pillars at the entry to Sandbourne Drive would ensure that there would always be easy access for the residents there, so they would not be inconvenienced.

We could then have back the packing that we deserve, without any potential restriction to emergency services.


The sooner the alterations are made, the better for all residents in Boarley Court.  If everyone then stuck to the suggestions stated in our newsletter about parking, everyone should be happier.


The lack of parking at Boarley Court has caused many problems for residents.  The double yellow line should never have been put there in the first place.  They were only required at the entrance onto Sandling Lane.  I fully endorse the removal of the yellow line as per the diagram attached, as soon as possible.


Removing all restrictions on the 67m, Cuckoowood side is the correct thing to do.  No time restrictions, no vehicle type restrictions.

As indicated in red, the area inside Boarley Court private car park should not be part of the Highways Department restrictions.  1.  It is in a private car park, owned by residents of Boarley Court, 2.  It has no impact on free movement up or down Cuckoowood Avenue.


It would be great to get any break with the parking (why were double lines installed in the first place, single surely) could the double lines that are remaining not be changed to single.


Please remove yellow lines.  Thank you.


We approve of the removal of the double yellow lines as indicated.


I would like to comment on the proposal as follows:

I fear that if the double yellows are downgraded to singles, vehicles from the flats on the other side of Sandling Lane will take advantage of it and park there overnight as they did in the past.  As a result our own people’s cars will be crowded out.

My preferred solution is for each flat of Boarley Court to have a permit to park in Cuckoowood Avenue at any time day or night and to leave the double yellow lines are they are.

If this cannot be arranged with the Highway authorities, then I agree with reducing the double line to singles but I think this is the second best option.


Thank you for chasing up the the draft plan that Micheal Heath has kindly sent.  I have forwarded this on to the Management Company for the building who will respond and will ensure that it is displayed appropriately for comment by other residents.

My own query/comments are that whilst this goes in some measure to address the issue, I do not understand why there is a time restriction at all on the area that it is proposed is reduced to a single yellow line. (‘no parking 8.30am to 6.30pm’ – there always was little if any parking during the day time – the real issue being where people parked on their return from work).

In my own opinion the lines should be removed completely along the dotted line indicated on the plan - there is little cost implication for the Highways Dept in removing both and the time restriction serves no purpose.

It is my understanding from the management company that the double yellow lines were the result of concerns raised of reduced visibility caused by cars parked on or near the corners of the exit/entrance to Boarley Court and the exit onto Sandling Lane ONLY -  somehow this has resulted in our current situation.  Whilst I appreciate that safety must be a priority, If this was the concern originally expressed, then it confirms that there is no requirement for lines at all along the proposed 67m reduction area.

Thank you for your continuing correspondence.

Kind regards



Comments Opposing (7)


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Burleigh Drive Residents Association to register our strong opposition to a proposed Traffic Regulation Order, which would require the removal of a 67m section of double yellow lines from the side of Cuckoowood Avenue bounded by Cuckoo Wood.

As_____________ has stated in his letter dated October 10th, local residents campaigned, for a number of years for double yellow lines to be put down, because of the safety hazzard caused by vehicles that were parked at, or close to, the junction with Sandling Lane.  Given that these lines were only put in place towards the end of last year, and that the campaign was supported by Wendy Hinder of Maidstone Borough Council, on safety grounds, it is difficult to understand why the proposed scheme is even being considered.

As ____________ has said, if these lines are removed, it will be of little benefit to the residents of Boarley Court, because experience has shown that any parking spaces in Cuckoo Wood Avenue are used, mainly, by residents of Sandling Place, as an overflow car park for their commercial vehicles.

All the problems that existed before these parking restrictions were put in place, e.g. safety hazzards, restricted access for emergency vehicles, and litter, will almost certainly reoccur, if the restrictions are removed.  Furthermore, even if double yellow lines are retained, at junction between Cuckoowood Avenue and Sandling Lane, there is a real danger that large commercial vehicles will, once again, park at, or near, the junction, which presents a particular danger, because vehicles emerging from Cuckoowood Avenue have little or no visibility of traffic passing along Sandling Lane.  This danger is exacerbated when the roads are wet or icy, and could easily lead to a serious accident.

In the event that this proposal is approved by the Council, you may be sure that local residents will campaign to have the preset parking restrictions reinstated.  Furthermore, if the safety of any resident is endangered, as a result of their removal, we will ensure that the cause receives maximum publicity.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs / Madam

As a resident in Sandbourne Drive I would like to voice my objections to the proposed removal of yellow lines.

This will result in the problem of not being able to see when either coming into Cuckoowood road or when pulling out, as before.

Many of the parked cars overflow into both  Burleigh Drive and  Sandbourne Drive thus encouraging more cars to be left there  that have nothing to do with Boarly Court. Most are vans and commercial vehicles, usually an overflow from Sandling Court.  The problems had been removed when the yellow lines we're put in.

Yours Sincerely


Dear Sir/Madam,


We had campaigned for double yellow lines for several years and through assistance from Wendy Hinder, the double yellow lines were put down late last year. The main reason for this application were due to how dangerous it was becoming to leave Cuckoowood Avenue onto Sandling Lane  with cars & Vans parked on either side of the Road. In addition, residents of Sandling Park parked on Cuckoowood Avenue. These were mainly residents that drove commercial vehicles as these are not allowed to be parked in their estate. Removing the yellow lines will not necessarily benefit the residents of Boarley Court flats at all. Commuters left vehicles in Cuckoowood Avenue in the morning for car share purposes, due to the proximity to the M20.

In addition, the entrance to Sandbourne Drive was quite often obstructed which is a concern, due to the fact that an emergency vehicle could be potentially restricted into Sandbourne Drive.

Since the double yellow lines there has been much less litter and the road can now be swept on a regular basis. The lines have dramatically improved Safety, as drivers have full visibility in and out of the road when manouvering, especially in snowy/icy conditions.

The whole point of the double yellow lines is that it makes the road safe travelling into and out of it, and by taking up the lines this still will cause a safety issue because of the gradient of the hill in question. In addition, the extra spaces that you are hoping to be able to give to the residents of Boarley Court flats will no doubt be taken up by Sandling Park residents and others that use this road for commuting purposes which will completely defeat the object.

I hope you will consider these factors when considering the proposal.

Yours Sincerely,


Subject: Proposed removal of double yellow lines to Cuckoowood Avenue

Dear Mr Corcoran,

I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to the above.

As you may or may not know, we have campaigned for double yellow lines for several years and through persistence and help from Wendy Hinder our local councillor, the double yellow lines were put down late last year. 

The reason for the double yellow lines was for a safety perspective.   Vehicles coming in and out of the road because of the location being on a hill,  do not have any visibility and it has always been an issue when vehicles are parked on one side.  The residents felt an accident was waiting to happen.  In addition, residents of Sandling Park have regularly parked on Cuckoowood Avenue. These were mainly residents that drove large signed vans as these are not allowed to be parked in their estate. We also noted that  cars were dropped in Cuckoowood Avenue in the morning for a car share as we are close to the M20.   In addition, the entrance to Sandbourne Drive was quite often obstructed which was also one of the residents' concerns due to the fact an emergency vehicle could be potentially restricted into Sandbourne Drive.  Sandbourne Drive is also home to children and with the winter approaching we are concerned for their well-being.

Since the double yellow lines there has been very little litter and the road can now be swept on a regular basis.  It is a pleasure being able to have full visibility in and out of the road and is now completely safe.

I understand that the proposal is to ensure that one side of Cuckoowood Avenue remains as double yellow lines and the other side has the lines removed (apart from a few metres at the top).  The whole point of the double yellow lines is that it makes the road safe travelling into and out of and by taking up the lines this still will cause a safety issue because of the gradient of the hill in question.  In addition, the extra spaces that you are hoping to be able to give to the residents of the flats will no doubt be taken up by Sandling Park residents and others that use this road for commuting purposes which will completely defeat the object.

I have noticed and have photos to show that in the evening (when the majority of the residents of the flats require parking) that cars manage to park in the flats car park.  All flats also have a garage which can be used.

I look forward to a favourable response.

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs

I am writing to object to the above.

As you may or may not know, we have campaigned for double yellow lines for several years and through persistence and help from Wendy Hinder our local councillor, the double yellow lines were put down late last year. 

The reason for the double yellow lines was for a safety perspective.   Vehicles coming in and out of the road because of the location being on a hill, do not have any visibility and it has always been an issue when vehicles are parked on one side.  The residents felt an accident was waiting to happen.  In addition, residents of Sandling Park parked on Cuckoowood Avenue. These were mainly residents that drove large signed vans as these are not allowed to be parked in their estate. We also noted that cars were dropped in Cuckoowood Avenue in the morning for a car share as we are close to the M20.   In addition, the entrance to Sandbourne Drive was quite often obstructed which was also one of the residents' concerns due to the fact an emergency vehicle could be potentially restricted into Sandbourne Drive.  There was also some thought that drug trafficking may have been allowed to happen as syringes and associated paraphernalia have been found in the past in Cuckoowood Avenue.

Since the double yellow lines there has been very little litter and the road can now be swept on a regular basis.  It is a pleasure being able to have full visibility in and out of the road and is now completely safe.

I understand that the proposal is to ensure that one side of Cuckoowood Avenue remains as double yellow lines and the other side has the lines removed (apart from a few metres at the top).  The whole point of the double yellow lines is that it makes the road safe travelling into and out of and by taking up the lines this still will cause a safety issue because of the gradient of the hill in question.  In addition, the extra spaces that you are hoping to be able to give to the residents of the flats will no doubt be taken up by Sandling Park residents and others that use this road for commuting purposes which will completely defeat the object.

I have noticed and have photos to show that in the evening (when the majority of the residents of the flats require parking) that cars manage to park in the flats car park.  All flats also have a garage which can be used.

I look forward to a favourable response.

Yours sincerely


Dear Sirs,
We wish to object against your recent proposal to remove some of the double yellow lines in Cuckoo Wood Ave.  The residents have fought hard to get them installed and have noticed the improvement to our environment.
Once you remove the parking restrictions it won't be long before it will be full up with parked cars and vans.   The road is not very wide and can cause restrictions for service vehicles and emergency services to access the residential streets.  It will also cause a litter problem where people from the parked cars just dump there rubbish out of the windows encouraging vermin.  In the past vans who have parked there use it to fly tip their waste, this can be a health and safety issue to the growing number of young children now in the area.  It will make the road  a single track  because of the constant parked cars ,that will make it dangerous approaching the main road as often you meet on coming traffic turning blind into the road, making yet another danger to cope with.


Good Afternoon


I appreciate that the double yellow lines on one side of Cuckoowood Avenue would remain but it does concern me that they are to be removed on the opposite side of the road.


One of my concerns would be access for emergency vehicles.  There doesn't seem to me to be enough turning room if there are cars parked on one side of Cuckoowood Avenue as it doesn't seem to be wide enough to allow parking and for, say a fire engine to access and turn.  There is very limited access to turn in Burleigh Drive and Sandbourne Drive. 


My other concern is when you are exiting by car from Burleigh Drive and Sandbourne Drive the restrictions cars parking along one side of Cuckoowood Avenue would have on visibility. 


There are at least 15 children who live in both Burleigh and Sandbourne Drives and parked cars would also affect their visibility when crossing Cuckoowood Avenue.


My other concern is vandalism and theft of cars if they are parked along that road overnight.  Cuckoowood Avenue is very secluded by the woods around it and myself and other residents fear that these types of incdients would increase.


The above are my concerns so yes, i do feel it appropriate to object to the proposed traffic regulation order.


Many thanks.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 8 Oct 2013 13:30
Subject: Re - double yellow lines in CuckooWood Avenue

Dear Sir/Madam


The actual junction markings at Sandling Lane will be retained. But yes, it is

probable that there will be overnight parking on the unrestricted section.

Please see the attached.


I have looked at the 10 year crash history. There has been one reported crash.

This occurred on Sandling Lane, a vehicle, waiting to turn right into Cuckoowood

Avenue, was struck from behind.  So parked vehicles were not a contributory



Are you objecting to this proposed Traffic Regulation Order?


Michael Heath

Traffic Engineer

Safety Schemes

Maidstone and Tonbridge & Malling

08458 247800


-----Original Message-----

From: Traffic Regulation Orders - EE KH

Sent: 08 October 2013 13:11

To: Heath, Michael - EE KH

Subject: FW: double yellow lines in CuckooWood Avenue


-----Original Message-----

From: _________________________________________

Sent: 07 October 2013 16:22

To: Traffic Regulation Orders - EE KH

Subject: double yellow lines in CuckooWood Avenue


I believe you are proposing to remove the double yellow lines along Cuckoowood Avenue.


I live in Burleigh Drive and have 2 small children. To remove these lines would be disastrous as huge vans and cars could once again park along there which would make vision whilst exiting our close extremely dangerous.


As well, when you are trying to come in and get out onto the main road to

Peneden Heath - which is extremely busy - it wont be safe if you are trying to get around park cars and vans as well.


I would urge you to rethink removing them - you have only just put them in!


I fear if you remove them that an accident will be imminent.