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alcohol strategy - W Kent HWBB




Item ……..


Decision No……..



By:                              Meradin Peachey


To:                              West Kent Health and Wellbeing Board, January 21st, 2014


Subject:                    Kent Alcohol Strategy 2014-2016


Classification:         Unrestricted


1.            Purpose

1.1 To inform the Health and Wellbeing Board regarding the Kent Alcohol Strategy 2014-2016.


2.            Background

2.1  The strategy builds from the previous Kent Alcohol Strategy 2010-2013.  This draft strategy will go for public consultation via the Kent County Council website.  It will take account of appropriate amendments from the consultation and a final version will be taken to the Kent Health and Wellbeing Board for final approval.


2.2 It has been developed via input from a range of partners including Public Health, Commissioned Services, Kent Police, Trading Standards and Community Safety.


2.3 The majority of people in Kent and the UK consume alcohol responsibly. In moderation, alcohol consumption can have a positive impact on adults’ wellbeing especially where this encourages sociability. Well-run community pubs and other businesses form a key part of the fabric of neighborhoods, providing employment and social venues in local communities.  


2.4 Excessive consumption of alcohol is a growing problem in Kent and across the country. Liver disease is the fifth largest cause of death in England. The average age of death from liver disease is 59 years, compared to 82-84 years for heart and lung disease or stroke, with a five-fold increase in the development of cirrhosis in 35-55 year olds over the last 10 years.


3.            Kent Alcohol Strategy 2014-2016

3.1  The strategy sets the context in which agencies across Kent will work to address the problems associated with alcohol use across the county.  It encourages partnership and joint working to create a healthier and safer population by reducing the level of individual and community harm related to alcohol misuse. 

3.2  There are six key areas underpin the strategic framework:

·         Prevention and identification

·         Enforcement and responsibility

·         Treatment

·         Local Action

·         Vulnerable groups and inequalities

·         Children and young people


3.3  A section has been developed for each key area that explores current action, the planned activity for the future and how we will know it has been successful.



4.    Implementation


4.1 A strategy implementation group will monitor progress on the strategy.  This group will meet on a quarterly basis to monitor progress and will review the strategy on an annual basis. 

The implementation group will include a range of partners from:

• Kent County Council Public Health Department

• Kent County Council – Kent Drug and Alcohol Action Team (KDAAT)

• Kent Police

• Kent County Council Trading Standards

• A representative from one of the district councils

• A representative from primary care


4.2 The group will develop an action plan with a timeline and agreed responsibilities to ensure that actions developed will be focussed on achieving the outcomes within the strategy.  They will have the role of ensuring delivery plans and individual actions are robust and enacted (refreshing them on a periodic basis), and that partners undertake their assigned responsibilities.


The strategy implementation will have the role of making sure that delivery plans and individual actions are robust and acted upon (refreshing them on a periodic

basis), and that partners undertake their assigned responsibilities. They will provide the reports to the KDAAT Board, and other relevant committees, and make the case for commissioning services as appropriate.


The KDAAT Board will be the accountable body for the strategy and therefore take overall responsibility for the targets and performance measures. They will scrutinise reports, periodically provide progress updates, highlight successes and good practice as well as request remedial action when necessary.



5.    Recommendations:


5.1 Members of the Health and Wellbeing Board are asked to note the Kent Alcohol Strategy.



6.    Background Documents


Appendix 1 – Draft Kent Alcohol Strategy (2013-2016) (please note that draft was released in 2013, but final version will be 2014-2016)


Figure 1 Kent Alcohol Strategy draft


7.         Contact details


Report Author:

Colin Thompson, Public Health Specialist
