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Maidstone Borough Council

Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services

 Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 4th February 2014


Mid Kent Environmental Health Shared Service Model –

Project Update


Report of: Tracey Beattie,

Interim Environmental Health Shared Service Manager



1.      Introduction


1.1        A tri-Cabinet meeting was held on 12 June 2013 between Maidstone Borough Council, Swale Borough Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council to consider the creation of a shared Environmental Health service under the MKIP partnership model.


1.2     An agreement in principle was given for a two-site service model to be designed, and that the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees at each authority should be invited to comment on the proposed operational model for the shared service before final approval under delegated decision by the relevant Portfolio Holders.


1.3     The Tunbridge Wells Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be considering the proposed model on 10 February 2014, and a Swale Overview & Scrutiny Committee working group will be considering the proposed model on w/c 10 February 2014.


2.      Recommendation


2.1              That the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee notes the update and proposed model design from the Interim Environmental Health Manager at appendix A, and provides comments on the model for consideration by the Cabinet Member for the Environment.


3.      Making Recommendations and achieving outcomes


3.1    In designing the model, the tri-Cabinet meeting agreed the following principles:


1.      The proposed model of operation must be designed around a two-site model located at Swale Borough Council offices and at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council offices


2.      Food and commercial premises at Maidstone Borough Council must be treated as a single entity when considering service delivery.


3.      The design must take into account further development of the organisational and operational arrangements; identify the financial implications of the chosen model; and review service delivery arrangements across the authorities for premises inspections (food), and Environmental Permitting (IPPC).


4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1     The Committee is asked to consider the model against the Maidstone key priorities:


·         For Maidstone to be a decent place to live.

·         Corporate and customer excellence


4.2     The critical success factors for the project, which align with achieving this corporate objective, are:


·         To improve the resilience of the three services, and provide a shared service that meets financial and functional flexibility;


·         To deliver measurable quality improvements for businesses and customers in the medium term;


·         To create a culture of high professional standards and expertise;


·         To ensure the change is self-funding through achieving service efficiencies in the short term, and to explore medium-term service efficiency savings opportunities.