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Session 1:      Making the most of scrutiny


Mins                Subject


0                      Welcome and introductions


10                    Presentation: scrutiny – what’s it for?

To cover the role and remit of scrutiny. This presentation will go beyond the legal requirements to explore how scrutiny can make a positive impact on the lives of local people, drawing on case study examples from other authorities.


40                    Discussion: what’s scrutiny for?

A structured discussion on the purpose, role and remit of scrutiny in Maidstone, to cover:


·         How does scrutiny add value to decision-making?

·         Ideally, what should it achieve?

·         What about scrutiny doesn’t work so well at the moment?

·         What constraints could there be on scrutiny’s ability to make an impact in the future?


Key areas to be covered will be:


·         Performance management and monitoring

·         Engaging with the public

·         Major service change and redesign / commissioning

·         Working with partners and in partnership


This will draw on work previously carried out by the authority.


85                    Action planning

Using the product of the discussion to put in place an achievable plan to make improvements in the short and medium term. To cover:


·         Where responsibility lies for improvement

·         How the executive, and other partners, may need to be involved

·         What resources need to be put in place to make this happen, and what the timescales are.


110                  Close


CfPS will produce a report following the meeting with an action plan.