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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


Tuesday 25 February 2014


Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs)


Report of: Christian Scade, Senior Corporate Policy Officer



1.          Introduction


1.1        On the 28 November 2013 the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agreed that:


·         The Chairman and Vice Chairman from each Overview and Scrutiny Committee should review the Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs) for reviews carried out by their Committee since 2008 and;


·         Following their investigations, an update should be provided by each Committee Chairman, at the next Scrutiny Coordinating Committee meeting. 


2.          Recommendations


2.1    That the Chairman (and Vice Chairman) from each Overview and Scrutiny Committee provide an update on their investigations so Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs) for scrutiny reviews carried out since 2008 can be updated.


2.2    That the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee determine how any outstanding actions are followed up and monitored.   


3.          Background


3.1        The issue of making, and monitoring, recommendations is an important part of the scrutiny process.


3.2        The Scrutiny Coordinating Committee, in its report to Council (April, 2013) on the Cabinet and Enhanced Scrutiny Model made the following recommendations:


·         Cabinet Members should attend Committee meetings to present completed Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Plans and the action that will be taken following recommendations;


·         The Scrutiny Coordinating Committee should meet quarterly and monitor Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations as part of its role.


3.3        Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs), set out recommendations following scrutiny meetings and reviews. Information is sought on the plan as to whether recommendations are accepted, the action to be taken and by whom.


3.4        SCRAIPs are issued as soon as possible following a scrutiny meeting (once recommendations have been approved by the Scrutiny Chairman) and recommendations should be responded to within one month of the date of issue.


3.5        SCRAIPs for reviews carried out since the 2008/09 municipal year, sorted by current committee, are attached at Appendix A, with a summary below:


Community, Leisure Services and Environment OSC


o   Diverse Communities

o   Public Conveniences

o   Joint Mental Health Services Working Group[1]

o   Securing Water Supplies[2]

o   Neighbourhood Action Planning

o   Making Waste Work for Maidstone


Planning, Transport and Development OSC


o   Maidstone Road Safety[3]

o   The Enforcement of Planning Conditions and Compliance with Section 106 Agreements[4]

o   Rail Services[5]

o   Traffic Congestion in Maidstone


Economic and Commercial Development OSC


o   Rural Economy

o   Visitor Information Centre 


Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services OSC


·         Balance of Power Between Central and Local Government[6]

o   Whole and Partial Council Elections

o   Overview and Scrutiny Function[7]

o   Maidstone Gateway[8] – SCRAIP attached at Appendix A1

o   The Council as a Business[9]

o   The Capital Programme[10]


4.      Background Documents


4.1     None

[1] No SCRAIP but the recommendations from the joint review group have been included


[2] No SCRAIP but the recommendations from the review have been included


[3] No SCRAIP but the recommendations from the review have been included


[4] No SCRAIP but the recommendations from the review have been included


[5] No SCRAIP but a response is attached along with the recommendations from the review


[6] No SCRAIP as the Corporate Services OSC set-up a cross-party working group to consider the balance of power between Central and Local Government following a call for evidence from a Parliamentary Select Committee


[7] SCRAIP not attached as this has been superseded by governance review for scrutiny


[8] SCRAIP attached at Appendix A1


[9] This SCRAIP will be reviewed by the full Committee in March 2014 – SCRAIP attached for information 


[10] This SCRAIP will be reviewed by the full Committee in March 2014 – SCRAIP attached for information