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Appeals Committee

8 Members of the

authority (including at

least one Member of

the Executive)


a) To hear and determine appeals under either the grievance or disciplinary procedure for all categories of employees except those staff on JNC conditions of Service for Chief Officers of Local Authorities.

b) To be the final level of appeal relating to any statutory appeal decisions taken by Members of the

executive and non-executive arms of the Council.



Employment and

Development Panel

8 Members of the

authority (including

at least one member

of the Executive) (no

member of the


Committee shall be a

member of this



a) To consider the applications received

for the posts of Chief Executive and Directors and to compile a short list for interview and subsequently to interview and make appointments.

b) To review annually the performance of the Chief Executive and Directors, to

agree targets for the coming financial year, and agree any corrective action which may be required relating to the previous financial year.

c) To consider all other matters concerning the terms and conditions of service of the post of Chief Executive, and to recommend accordingly the Council.

d) Power to determine terms and conditions on which staff hold office (including procedures for their dismissal.)

e) To hear and determine appeals under the disciplinary procedures for staff on the JNC Conditions of Service for Chief Officers of Local Authorities