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Enc. 1 for Cobtree Estate Progress Report

Cobtree Estate Progress Update

April 2014


This update sets out the work of the estate for the period between October 2013 and April 2014.

Cobtree Manor Park

Maintenance of the park over the winter months has focussed predominantly on continuing the regeneration of shrub borders in the main parkland. The following tasks have been undertaken over winter:

·         Rejuvenation of the Shrub Borders from the pond to the hornbeam avenue.

·         Removal of the Eucalyptus Trees to the rear of the elephant house that fell due to high winds.

·         Attachment of Wire Mesh to the existing Wooden Fencing (parallel to Forstal Road) to prevent dogs and other animals from entering the public highway.

·         Coppicing of some trees within the woodland which have been damaged due to the inclement weather over winter.

·         Installation of wire mesh fencing around the coppiced stools in order to prevent rabbits from damaging the vegetation.

·         Planting of three Sorbus acuparia trees near to the sheep dip to replace two trees which earlier in the year had to be felled.

·         Crown lifting of some of the parkland trees within or near the play area.

·         Coppicing of some dilapidated Willow trees located opposite the pond.


In addition to the above a new 5K running route, part of an initiative by Run England, has been installed following the main path and the horse ride.


Visitor Numbers

A comparison of footfall from the last six months of 2012 with 2013 shows an increase of 20.55% over the six month period.

July 2012 – Dec 2012       117,534

July 2013 – Dec 2013       141,688

From January 2013 to December 2013 the park received 253,842 visits with 126,919 vehicles to site being recorded.

Visitor figures are set out in the table on the next page.



Cobtree Monthly and Quarterly footfall figures






% on previous year
















































Cobtree Manor Park Events Programme 2014

It is proposed that the events programme for 2014 is kept similar to the successful programme of 2013. This will include a selection of walks with the ranger, historical walks and conservation activities for families.

It is proposed that a charge of £3 per person is made for events. This is discussed in detail in the report.

The budget for the programme will remain at £2,000.

Proposed event programme

Event Date

Event Title

Sunday 4th May

Walk with the ranger Blue bells and other spring flowers

Sunday 11th May

Dawn Chorus walk

Wednesday 28th May

Minibeast Safari

Wednesday 28th May

Minibeast Safari

Friday 30th May

Nature detectives hi tech trail

Friday 30th May

Nature detectives hi tech trail

Friday 30th May

Nature detectives hi tech trail

Friday 30th May

Nature detectives hi tech trail

Sunday 22nd June

Gert and Daisy, The History of Maidstone Zoo

Thursday 26th June

Walk with the ranger, Cobtree arboretum

Thursday 10th July

Walk with the ranger Cobtree Arboretum walk

Sunday 13th July

Walk with the ranger Cobtree Arboretum walk

Sunday 20th July

Gert and Daisy, The History of Maidstone Zoo

Sunday 27th July

Walk with the ranger-park walk at Cobtree

Friday 8th August

Nature detectives-Minibeast Hunt

Friday 8th August

Nature detectives-Minibeast Hunt

Sunday 10th August

Gert and Daisy, The History of Maidstone Zoo

Friday 22nd August

Night time walk

Wednesday 27th August

Go wild at Cobtree

Wednesday 27th August

Go wild at Cobtree

Sunday 7th September

Gert and Daisy, The History of Maidstone Zoo

Thursday 18th September

Walk with the ranger Cobtree Arboretum walk

Sunday 21st September

Berried treasures of late summer

Sunday 28th September

Wildlife wander at Cobtree

Sunday 28th September

Wildlife wander at Cobtree

Sunday 5th October

Fungi walk

Sunday 5th October

Fungi walk


Cobtree Manor Park Project

The project is progressing on schedule. Phase 2 is complete with the planting of trees to enhance the arboretum being undertaken over the winter. The sculpture trail is in the process of being installed ready for an opening event on 25th April (left; leaf).

The Visitor Centre application is awaiting planning permission. Interim improvements to car parking are being developed to give additional space for summer. A longer term solution involving car parking on old hard stand across Forstal Road is being developed in consultation with Kent Highways but is unlikely to be ready by the summer holidays.

Cobtree Golf Course

Mytime have been offered a 1 year extension to their current lease. In terms of rounds played there was a month on month improvement on the same period last year.  An increase of 563 rounds during October 13 to January 14 – 8,591 rounds played in total.

The re-tender of the Golf Course is being investigated and further recommendations will be brought to the Committee shortly.

Estate properties

Residents have requested some work to the woodland to the rear of White Cottages. On inspection it was found many of the trees were covered in ivy, some were in poor condition and required felling and there was a substantial quantity of fly tipping. The fly tip has been removed and the work to the trees undertaken as recommended.

South East Water are looking to undertake works in the field south of Forstal road under their current easement, negotiations are ongoing with regard to access agreements.

The Cobtree Young Farmers have a contact who is able to improve the grazing on Forstal Field in return for the hay crop. This is to be investigated further as it could result in improvements to the sward however a substantial improvement in fencing would be required if they were to graze there.

Kent Life

Continuum have been granted an extension to their lease for two years. Dilapidations works are currently out to tender and will be brought before the Committee for a decision once tenders are returned. A meeting of stakeholders for the site was held on 19th March 2014 to discuss the way forward and the future of the site. It has been agreed to hold additional meetings with both the Friends of Kent Life and Cobtree Young Farmers to discuss things further. The operation of Kent Life will need to be re-tendered ready for the end of the current lease.