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Appendix Ba

Community, Leisure Services & Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2013-14

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

11 June 2013

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Work programming workshop

·         Leader & Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2013-14

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council & Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

16 July 2013

·         Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year


·         Draft report: Approval of a new Play Area Strategic Standard


·         To consider the Cabinet Update and make recommendations as appropriate

·         To consider the report and make recommendations as appropriate

13 August 2013

·         CCTV Protocol

·         Eco Pilot

·         Draft Health Inequalities Action Plan

  • To consider the report and make recommendations as appropriate

10 September 2013

  • Health Inequalities (Mental Health) Review
  • To interview the witness invited to the meeting and participate in a ‘act finding’ discussion as part of evidence gathering for the review topic.

8 October 2013



29 October 2013

Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

  • Mental Health and the Police and frontline services


  • The Committee will be acting as the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee interviewing the witness invited to the meeting and participate in a ‘fact finding’ discussion as part of evidence gathering its review topic (Mental Health). Witnesses will include the Safer Maidstone Partnership.

12 November 2013

  • Homelessness Strategy Review


  • The Committee to consider the findings of the Homelessness Strategy Review, interviewing witnesses from a national and local level to establish the needs of Maidstone.  The Committee will need to consider when the Homelessness Strategy will return to it, pre-decision, before its adoption.

10 December 2013

  • POSTPONED Pilot Street Triage Scheme – Health Inequalities (Mental Health) Review


  • UPDATE Eco Homes Pilot
  • To interview the Mental Health nursing staff and Police Officers involved in the pilot scheme.  To establish the positive outcomes of the scheme and any gaps that have been identified.


  • To consider the update from officers, making recommendations as appropriate.

14 January 2014

  • Draft Play Areas Strategy


INFORMATION UPDATE: Health Inequalities (Mental Health) Review – follow up interviews with the Clinical Commissioning Group.  To take place on 30 January at 7pm (Town Hall, Room B).

  • To consider the report and make recommendations as appropriate

11 February 2014

Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Topic: Road Safety – to consider in relation to the KCC Consultation - Road Casualty Reduction Strategy for Kent & Revisions  and as a priority of the Safer Maidstone Partnership

Maidstone Protocols for Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Overview and Scrutiny – to consider proposed update



11 March 2014

  • Air Quality Action Plan
  • Waste Strategy
  • Draft Homelessness Strategy (TBC)
  • Follow up on Scrutiny Waste Review and the new Waste Contract.
  • Mental Health Review – Final Report
  • Health Inequalities Action Plan


8 April 2014

·         Evaluations of Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year


13 May 2014





Municipal Year 2014-15

17 June 2014


·         Election of Chair and Vice Chair

·         Future Work Programme for 2014/15


15 July 2014




12 August 2014


  • Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee


9 September 2014


·         Update on Accessing Mental Health Before the Point of Crisis


14 October 2014




11 November 2014




9 December 2014




13 January 2015




10 February 2015




10 March 2015


·         Annual refresh of the Health inequalities Action Plan


14 April 2015





Suggestions received for 2014/15:

  • Older Persons Services
    • Information Services
    • Dementia care
    • Care home provision
  • Welfare Reforms
  • Night Time Economy
  • Annual refresh of the Health Inequalities Action Plan – March 2015
  • Revisit Community Toileting Scheme
    • Is info on MBC web site updated?
    • How many organisations take part
    • How many new organisations taking part?
    • Potential sponsorship
    • RADAR facilities
  • Update on Accessing Mental Health Before the Point of Crisis – September 2014