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Appendix Bb

Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2013-14

Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

18 June 2013

·         Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

·         Leader & Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment

·         Work Programming Workshop 2013-14


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2013-14

·         Ascertain work plan for the year and strategic direction for the Council & Select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes.

23 July 2013



20 August 2013

  • Development Management Policies for Local Plan
  • Public Consultation Approach for the Maidstone Local Plan
  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

TRAINING 28 August 2013

  • PowerPoint presentation to explain the methodologies behind the SHMA/SLAA/SEDLAA and how the Sustainability Appraisal fits into the process
  • Background and preparation for the September and October meetings

17 September 2013

SPECIAL MEETING to act on the instruction of the extraordinary Council meeting on 2 September 2013 to the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee

  • The Committee to update Council on 18 September

26 September 2013

EXTRAORDINARY MEETING.  A second, follow up meeting to hear further evidence from Boughton Monchelsea Parish Council and Maidstone to enable the committee to make a recommendation in response to Council’s instruction.

  • To respond to Council’s instruction.

15 October 2013

·         Infrastructure Delivery Plan


  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

19 November 2013

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy

·         Mid-Year Five Year Housing Land Supply

·         Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft - Group 2 Policies

  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

2 December 2013


·        Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft - Group 2 Policies

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy



  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

17 December 2013

  • Solar Farms
  • To consider the report and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

21 January 2014

  • Draft Integrated Transport Strategy – Vision and Objective
  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft – Group 3 Policies
  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Draft Spatial Strategy
  • Annual Monitoring Report 2012/13
  • To consider the reports and information presented and make recommendations as appropriate.

18 February 2014

  • Maidstone Borough Local Plan Public Consultation Draft (Regulation 18)
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan
  • Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (Training to be scheduled before the meeting)


18 March 2014

  • Cost Benefit Analysis of Maidstone Park and Ride (part of the Draft Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy)


15 April 2014

·         Evaluations of Cabinet Member Priorities for 2013/14 Municipal Year

·         Planning Enforcement and admin under the new MKIP arrangements (notify to all Councillors)



Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome


May 2014


Possible training session on Planning Enforcement (TBC)




2014-15 Municipal Year


9 June 2014

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Results of further Call for Sites and proposed additional sites for  inclusion in the Local Plan

Forward Work Planning


Review additional proposed sites and make recommendations


24 June 2014


Leader and Cabinet Member priorities for 2014/15

Update on the state of play with the ITS

Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy

Open Space Standards (possibly including the Action Plan)




22 July 2014




19 August 2014




16 September 2014




30 September 2014


Draft Local Plan and other reports – in preparation for next stage – Regulation 19




26 October 2014




18 November 2014




Meeting Date

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome


16 December 2014




20 January 2015




17 February 2015




17 March 2015




21 April 2015