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Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Work Programme (2013/14)



Meeting Date



Agenda Items




28 November 2013



·         Election of Chairman / Vice Chairman

·         Audit Committee Work Programme

·         Visiting Members – Discussion Item

·         Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2013/14

·         Scrutiny Recommendations

·         Future Work Programme (SCC)

·         Member Development Needs




25 February 2014



·         Governance Review Update

·         Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plans (SCRAIPs)

·         Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Development

·         Future Work Programme (SCC)




23 April 2014



·         Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Development 2014/15

·         Cross Cutting Issues

·         Overview and Scrutiny Feedback – Discussion Item

·         Future Work Programme – Scrutiny Coordinating Committee

·         Member Development Needs 





Scrutiny Coordinating Committee Work Programme (2014/15)



Meeting Date



Agenda Items







·         Election of Chairman / Vice Chairman

·         Audit Committee Work Programme

·         Draft Scrutiny Annual Report – 2013/14  




For consideration by Committee before submission to Council