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Community asset transfer toolkit June 09

Community Asset Transfer Policy-Assessment Template




Name and address of asset (including ward)


Asset register reference number


Current status (as indicated on the asset register)


Major use (as indicated on the asset register and as zoned in planning terms)


Scale and scope of the asset (include a brief description of the physical asset, include size and estimated “market value”)





(1) Summary of proposal and recommendations





Specify relevant details

Has the organisation(s) expressed an interest in the asset?



Add details, including name and relevant information of the organisation

Does the organisation specify what the asset is wanted for?



Add details from table 2

Does the organisation have a business case supporting their proposal?



Add details, including an assessment of the viability of the business plan

Does the organisation have the capacity to take on the asset?



Add summary from table 3

Are there sufficient benefits arising from the proposed asset transfer



Add summary from table 4

What are the risks of the proposed asset transfer (from table 5)?



Add summary from table 5

Are there any other organisations competing for the transfer?



Add details, including name and relevant information of the organisation, what they want the asset for and any proposed terms of transfer. If more than one are these mutually exclusive?




Recommendation: Based on this information is there any reason to conclude a) this is potentially a suitable proposal for asset transfer b) that the proposal requires more detailed assessment or c) that the request(s) received is unsuitable.

Specify, citing the main justification for any conclusion.


If there is more than one proposal for future use, are these mutually exclusive, what needs to happen in order to progress these?


(2) Current asset use and circumstances


Details of use and circumstances



Specify relevant details.

Is the asset currently occupied?



Add details including: Name and relevant information about occupants; length of time of current occupancy; any lease arrangements;

Is the asset currently used?



Add details including    Main and any subsidiary uses, any services offered; level of use; identity of user-groups; and whether of local, borough-wide or wider significance

Is the condition of the asset known?



Add details, with estimated costs of any repairs/maintenance. Identify how recent this information is.

Is the asset suitable and/or sufficient for its current use?



Add details, including whether the asset complies with the Disability Discrimination Act. What is the most suitable use for this asset?

Is there any other organisation affected by the ownership of the asset?



Add details including in relation to existing freehold/leasehold arrangements, other contractual arrangements or any funding associated with the asset where conditions on its use or ownership may apply.

Does the council have any plans for the asset?



Add details.

Are there any other circumstances directly relevant to potential transfer?



Add details, for example housing stock transfer, existing contractual or financial obligations on the asset, covenants on the asset etc.


Conclusion: Based on use and circumstances is there any reason to conclude that this asset should not be transferred?

Specify, citing the main justification for any conclusion.

(3) Organisational Health Check


Details of Organisation



Specify relevant details.

Score 1-5 (1 lowest: 5 highest)

Does the organisation have a Constitution?



Add details


Is the Organisation a Registered Charity?



Add details


Is the Organisation a Registered Company?



Add details


How long has the Organisation been established?



Add details


How is the Organisation managed?



Add details


How is the Organisation governed?



Add details


Does the Organisation have an equal opportunities policy?



Add details


Does the Organisation have insurance?



Add details


Does the Organisation have an Annual report?



Add details


Does the organisation have audited Annual accounts?



Add details


Is there a supporting statement available from 2 referees?



Add details


Does the Organisation have the necessary expertise to take on the asset (now, in future)?



Add details



Conclusion: Based on this assessment is there any reason to conclude that the organisation is unsuitable for the proposed asset transfer?

Specify, citing the main justification for any conclusion.

(4) Benefits


      What are the expected benefits of transferring the asset?


Based on current information, would transferring the asset:



Specify relevant details.

Where possible quantify the benefit or Score 1-5 (1 lowest: 5 highest)

                                                                    A place which has strong, healthy and safe communities

Create a more direct connection between the asset and local people





Enable the local community to respond to local issues





Strengthen local identity





Provide a means for local citizens and groups to access additional resources





Complement existing services or activity in the locality or other potential asset transfers. Potential to establish a “hub” of activity with benefits “greater than the sum of parts”



Where there is a link to anther potential asset transfer this should be identified and the assessment of each linked.


Fill a gap in provision locally





Improve capacity/sustainability of an organisation (e.g. by being able to borrow against the asset, or create a revenue stream from the asset)





Add value by creating opportunities for individual organisations to work together, for example using the asset as a “hub”





                                                                   A place to achieve, prosper and thrive

Bring additional investment into the borough (e.g. through grants unavailable to the council)





Improve existing economic activity within the local area





Encourage social enterprise





                                                                   A place with efficient and effective public services

Improve or safeguard a service that would otherwise be lost.





Present an opportunity to deliver specific council priorities (for example from the sustainable community strategy or LAA)





Present an opportunity for a ‘non-operational’ asset to be used



Identify any opportunity costs that would arise from using the asset in anther way, including sale at the market value.


Represent the best use of the asset





Create efficiency savings





                                                                   A Place that is clean and green

Present  opportunities for environmental improvement





                                                                   A place to live and enjoy

Provide additional opportunities for the public to enjoy the asset.








Conclusion: Identify the main expected benefits of transferring the asset. How do these benefits meet council priorities or LAA targets?


(5) Risks



Based on the current information, what are the key risks involved in transfer:



Specify relevant details. What mitigation might address this risk? Include details of any third parties that could be involved.

Where possible quantify the risk or score 1-5 (1 lowest: 5 highest.)

Potential to disadvantage particular individuals or impact negatively on the local community or communities of interest.



For example, what is the potential impact on current users of the asset?


Potential for a negative impact on community cohesion



What is the potential impact of transfer on the local community? Are these existing tensions affecting the community?


Potential loss of existing community services



What are the implications of the transfer of the asset in relation to current service provision and community facilities? Does the transfer create any risk to continued provision in the longer term? Can appropriate safeguards be identified that would maintain the asset for the community benefit (e.g. restricting use, modifications and/or sale of the asset)


Capacity of recipient to the asset



What level of expertise in facilities management exist within the potential recipient? What is the capacity of the recipient to take on the ownership and management effectively? From table 3.


Potential for the asset to become a financial liability for the recipient



Are the costs of running and maintaining the facility known, and are they understood by the potential recipient? Have they got a business plan that sets out how they plan to use the asset?


Capacity of recipient to deliver promised services/outcomes



Is there a robust business plan in place? Has the potential recipient got a track record in this area? Does the potential recipient have sufficient capacity to deliver what they propose?


Capture of asset by unrepresentative/extremist minority



Are there safeguards in the short, medium and long- term that will prevent the asset from being used to the detriment of the wider community?


Transfer contravenes State Aid rules



Is there any potential that the transfer could distort competition and effect trade between EU member states


Conflict with other legal, regulatory constraints.



Is the asset a listed building? What are the implications of this? Are there any other regulatory or planning constraints that affect the asset or an area that includes the asset?



Potential for ongoing Council liability



What are the implication of the transfer in terms of maintenance and health and safety? Are responsibilities clear? What are the insurance agreements?


Lack of value for money



Are the opportunity costs understood? Are the potential benefits clear and supported by a strong business case? Do the benefits exceed the costs?


Conflict with other funders



Is there any funding associated with the asset where conditions on its use or ownership may apply?



Conclusion: Identify the key risk(s) involved and mitigation that might address this. Identify the residual risk that remains