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June 2014 - Future work programme - Appendix C - FWP suggestions by Committee

Overview and Scrutiny Committee Future Work Programme Suggestions

The following lists are suggestions received from various sources as a result of a communication campaign since March 2014 as well as items rolled over from 2013-14.

The suggestions have been grouped as per the Committee Terms of Reference.  However, members may have alternative views on which Committee should lead on a subject.

Some items have potential to cross more than one Committees Terms of Reference.  These items will be reviewed by the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee at their meeting in July to decide if these items should be reviewed jointly

Community, Leisure Services and Environment O&S Committee


Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Cabinet Member Priorities




July 2014

Cabinet Member

Review of Allocations Scheme


John Littlemore

July/Aug 2014

Neil Cole

Financial Inclusion updates on the borough wide partnership

Quarterly reports from August 2014

Ellie Kershaw

Aug 2014

Ellie Kershaw

Troubled Families project updates

Quarterly reports from August 2014

Ellie Kershaw

Aug 2014

Ellie Kershaw

Waste Strategy (Commercial opportunity)

For example:

·         Recycling

·         Freighter service

David Edwards and Gary Stevenson

Summer 2014

Gary Stevenson

Crematorium Business Plan


David Edwards and Gary Stevenson

Summer 2014

Gary Stevenson


Reviewing David Edwards’ review report before it goes to Cabinet in September 2014

David Edwards

September 2014

David Edwards

Review - Accessing Mental Health Services Before the Point of Crisis

Rolled over

Rolled over

9 September 2014

Sarah Shearsmith

Housing Strategy Review


John Littlemore

February 2015

Neil Cole

Review of MKIP Shared Environmental Housing Service


John Littlemore

February 2015


Street Population

For the Crime and Disorder Committee – ideally after the summer

Sarah Robson

February 2015

Sarah Robson

Annual Refresh of the Health Inequalities Action Plan

Rolled over

Rolled over

10 March 2015

Sarah Shearsmith

Council’s Commercialisation Agenda:

Look at potentials such as:

·         Waste

·         Crematorium

·         Parks and Open Spaces

David Edwards and Gary Stevenson


Gary Stevenson



Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Addressing the needs of an ageing population


To include:

·         Information services

·         Dementia care

·         Care home provision

·         Loneliness

·         Recruiting quality care staff

Cllr Vizzard



Revisit the Community Toilet Scheme

To look at:

·         Is information on MBC web site?

·         How many organisations take part?

·         How many new organisations are taking part?

·         Potential of sponsorship

·         RADAR facilities

Cllr Blackmore


John Edwards

Maternity Services for the Borough

·         Are the new arrangements working for Maidstone?


Cllr Grigg



Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in the Borough



Zena Cooke



Health Inequalities

·         Update listed for March 2015 – but possibility of looking at a particular area in more detail

Zena Cooke


Sarah Shearsmith

Welfare Reforms – and the impact on housing


Zena Cooke



Health and Wellbeing Boards

·         Their effectiveness - What difference have they made to Maidstone?

·         Have they increased democratic input into strategic decisions about health and wellbeing services across Maidstone?

Zena Cooke



Air pollution and Noise


Cllr Grigg





Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

How we assess our environmental standards

·         Fly tipping

·         Dog mess

·         Litter collection – suggestion from Parish Council

·         Informal advertising signs

David Edwards

Gary Stevenson

Member of public via Twitter

Teston Parish Council


Gary Stevenson


Gypsy and Traveller sites


The Coordinating Committee have suggested that PT&D should take the initial lead on this – further information from members is sought at the workshop.

Cllr Blackmore


Sarah Anderton

Using the South Maidstone Action for Roads and Transport (SMART) model across the Borough


Cllr Grigg



Mobile Phone Services


Also included on PT&D and E&CD

Received via Twitter



The Night Time Economy


Also included on E&CD list

Cllr Vizzard



Promoting cycling, walking and public transport to ease congestions in the town



Received via Twitter



Improving Relationships with Parish Councils

Possible link to the recommendation (SCRAIP) from 8/4/14 re Parish Charter

Cllr Grigg




Acting as the Crime and Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Meets twice per year – February and August





Planning, Transport and Development O&S Committee



Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Cabinet Member Priorities



July 2014


Arriva Bus Service





Jeff Kitson

Advertisement control

To consider the effectiveness across the Borough

Parish Council





With the town centre under so much pressure getting this right is crucial to the survival of businesses

Editor of Downs Mail

And someone via Twitter


Jeff Kitson

Public Transport

“This is not something the Council is active on – the policy seems laissez-fare”

Editor of Downs Mail


Jeff Kitson

Traffic and Road infrastructure


Via Twitter



Promoting cycling, walking and public transport to ease congestions in the town


Via Twitter



Office space

Ensuring prime office space doesn’t get converted to residential developments. Also included on E&CD.

Via Twitter



Gypsy and Traveller sites


The Coordinating Committee have suggested that PT&D should take the initial lead on this – further information from members is sought at the workshop.

Cllr Blackmore

Cllr McLoughlin


Sarah Anderton

Using the South Maidstone Action for Roads and Transport (SMART) model across the Borough


Cllr Grigg



Mobile Phone Services


Also included on C,LS&E and E&CD

Received via Twitter



Local Plan reports in preparation for the next stage – Regulation 19

Further details will be provided by officers at the 9 June PTD OSC meeting

Rolled over


Rob Jarman / Sue Whiteside

Improving the borough’s sewage provision and infrastructure

Scrutiny review with Southern Water

Rob Jarman





Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Update on the paperless office pilot with parishes for planning support (minutes 15/4/14)

Rolled over from 2013/14




Results of the further call for sites and proposed additional sites for inclusion in the Local Plan

Rolled over from 2013/14




Update on the state of play with the Integrated Transport Strategy

Rolled over from 2013/14




Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy

Rolled over from 2013/14 – suggested date 19 August




Open Space Standards (possibly including the Action Plan)

Rolled over from 2013/14 – linked to Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy – suggested date 19 August






Strategic Leadership and Corporate Service O&S Committee



Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Use of Revenue Underspend

Rolled over

Rolled over

June 2014

Paul Riley

Annual Performance Report

Standard item


July 2014

Angela Woodhouse

KPI target for 2014-17

Standard item


July 2014

Angela Woodhouse

MKIP Joint Scrutiny with TWBC and SBC

First joint meeting to be confirmed

Rolled over

Likely to be early July

Paul Taylor / Jane Clarke

Corporate Improvement Plan

Standard six monthly item

Georgia Hawkes

July 2014

Dec 2014 / Jan 2015

Georgia Hawkes

Customer Service Improvement Strategy


Georgia Hawkes

July 2014

Georgia Hawkes

Local Council Tax Support Scheme – Options for 2015/16

Options for 2015/16

Steve McGinnes

July 2014 before Full Council in December

Steve McGinnes

Local Council Tax Support Scheme – Options for the Future

Design options for the future.  To discuss and look at the initial options

Steve McGinnes

July 2014 onwards

Steve McGinnes

Discretionary Housing Payments

Report going to Cabinet in July 2014

Steve McGinnes

Could come to July meeting before Council

Steve McGinnes


Standard item each quarter


Q4 – report and end of year report Jul/Aug 2014

Q1 – report Sept 2014

Q2 – report Dec 2014

Q3 – report Mar 2015

Sam Bailey

Policy for Discretionary Business Rate Relief

Including a suggestion to use as a tool to attract business into the town from Dawn Hudd

Steve McGinnes

August 2014

Steve McGinnes

Capital Programme Update

General update and SCRAIP update

Paul Riley

August 2014

Paul Riley

Cabinet Member Priorities



August 2014


MKIP Planning Support Shared Service

Rolled over – customer improvement work requested by Committee in March 2014

Rolled over

September 2014

Ryan O’Connell

Equality Objectives

Rolled over – possibly a small review workshop  session

Rolled over

September 2014 onwards

Clare Wood

Performance Reports

Quarterly Reports – standard agenda item



Quarter 1 – September 2014

Quarter 2 – December 2014

Quarter 3 – March

Clare Wood

Council as a Business

Rolled over - An update in financial terms

Paul Riley

October 2014

Paul Riley

Budget Strategy 2015-16 Onwards – Revenue


Paul Riley

October 2014

Paul Riley

Accommodation Strategy

Rolled over from 2013-14

David Edwards

Before December 2014

David Edwards

Workforce Development Strategy

Pre decision scrutiny before decision making in Feb/Mar 2015


Suggested witnesses:

Dena Smart, Head of HR Share Service

David Edwards, Director of Environment and Shared Services

Alison Broom, Head of Paid Service and Chief Executive


Dena Smart

Dec 2014 / Jan 2015

Dena Smart

Budget Strategy

To include -  Capital, Revenue, and Fees & Charges

Paul Riley

January 2015

Paul Riley

 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

To include both Capital and Revenue

Paul Riley

January 2015

Paul Riley

Strategic Plan

Policy Framework Document

Angela Woodhouse

January 2015

Angela Woodhouse

Policy for the Use of Bankruptcy Proceedings

Rolled over

Rolled over


Steve McGinnes

New Asset Management Plan


Paul Riley


David Tibbit

Development of the new Engagement Strategy / Plans for Engaging Local Residents

Agreed by Committee in April 2014, this includes looking at plans to engage local residents in processes such as setting budgets and priorities.

Rolled over


Angela Woodhouse

Budget Monitoring

Do Committee want to receive budget monitoring information each quarter?

Paul Riley


Paul Riley

Budget Scrutiny Proposals

Rolled over – for discussion at workshop



Paul Riley

Improving Relationships with Parish Councils


Cllr Grigg



Economic and Commercial Development O&S Committee



Further Details


Suggested Date

Lead Officer

Draft Economic Development Strategy

Rolled over

 – to include survey results, possible workshop outside of Committee and interview with Shared Intelligence Consultants

Rolled over

1 July 2014

Dawn Hudd / John Foster

Events and Festivals Strategy

Rolled over – date suggested by Officers

Rolled over

29 July 2014

Dawn Hudd

Cabinet Member Priorities



July 2014


Draft Commercialisation Strategy

Pre decision scrutiny item for consideration before Cabinet – dates to be confirmed but for scrutiny in July or August 2014.

Scrutiny Coordinating committee suggested this go to ECD OSC.  However in view of the cross cutting nature and links with Medium Term Financial Strategy SL&CD may also want to see this.

Rolled over

July/August 2014

Dawn Hudd / Marcus Lawler

Formation of Maidstone Culture and Leisure

Overview, outline and timeline

Dawn Hudd

July/August 2014

Dawn Hudd

Museum Forward Plan

Rolled over

Rolled over

July/August 2014

Laura Case

IT infrastructure in offices

Via Twitter

Local business



Skills and Employability Programmes

Rolled over

Rolled over

October 2014

Abi Lewis

Follow up on the proposals for the Enterprise Hub

Rolled over – review before Cabinet Member takes a decision.  Date suggested by Officers

Rolled over

Before December

Dawn Hudd

Follow up on SCRAIP for the Events Review

The Events Review / SCRAIP went to Cabinet for consideration in May 2014

Rolled Over

December 2014 /

January 2015

Dawn Hudd

The Barriers to Rural Business

For example – weight restrictions on roads and the IT infrastructure

Dawn Hudd



South East Local Enterprise Partnership

What’s in it for Maidstone?

Zena Cooke



Using the River Medway

Rolled over from 2013-14 – suggestion of charging fees for using the river


Also suggested via Twitter from two sources



Follow up on SCRAIP for Council as a Business Review

Following discussions at SLCS Committee meeting in March this cross cutting issue was considered by Scrutiny Coordinating Committee in April and agreed ECD take a lead on this moving forward

Rolled over /

Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


Paul Riley

The Night Time Economy


Also included on E&CD list

Cllr Vizzard



Mobile Phone Services


Also included on PT&D and C,LS&D

Received via Twitter



Office Space

Ensuring prime office space doesn’t get converted to residential developments. Also included on PT&D.

Via Twitter