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140708 - Discretionary Housing Payment - Appendix B

Appendix B

Stage 1: Equality Impact Assessment

  1. What are the main aims purpose and outcomes of the Policy and how do these fit with the wider aims of the organization?


The main aim of the policy is to ensure that the council uses the funds available in the form of Discretionary Housing Payments to the best effect, helping to remove financial disadvantage and encourage positive behaviours such as taking employment and improved financial management.

This supports the corporate objective that residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced.


  1. How do these aims affect our duty to:

·         Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimization and other conduct prohibited by the act.

·         Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

·         Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


The flexibility that is provided within the Discretionary Housing Payments scheme enables the council to take account of individual needs in a way that cannot be achived within the national housing benefit system due to the way that decisions are heavily regulated.


This flexibility provides an opportunity to advance equality of opportunity between people who share protected characteristics, such as the individual needs and barriers affecting disabled residents.

  1. What aspects of the policy including how it is delivered or accessed could contribute to inequality?


The fact that the Discretionary Housing Payment includes a level of means testing may be seen to contribute to a level of inequality, for example by taking account of the income that the applicant receives in disability benefits. 

The scheme mitigates that impact by taking account of the individuals whole situation, including the potentially higher cost of living as a result of their disability.


  1. Will the policy have an impact (positive or negative) upon the lives of people, including particular communities and groups who have protected characteristics ? What evidence do you have for this?


The policy is expected to have a positive impact on the lives of people, including those with protected characterics by providing additional financial support to “top up” housing benefit awards.

There are a disproportionate number of residents claiming housing benefit with protected characterics, such as disability and caring responsibilities, who would have access to the Discretionary Housing Payment Scheme.