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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


Thursday 10 July 2014


Terms of Reference – Review  


Report of: Christian Scade



1.          Introduction


1.1        Following feedback from officers and Members, as part of the planning for the June/July round of OSC meetings / future work programme workshops, the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee are asked to review the terms of reference for the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees.        


2.          Recommendation


2.1    That the Committee consider the proposed revisions to Article 6 of the Council’s Constitution set out in Appendix A.      


2.2    That the proposed revisions be put forward as a recommendation to full Council for approval and inclusion as part of the Council’s Constitution. 


3.          Background to Recommendations


3.1        Terms of reference describe the purpose and structure of a committee.


3.2        Following feedback from officers and Members, as part of the planning for the June/July round of OSC meetings / future work programme workshops, the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee are asked to review the terms of reference for the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


3.3        The proposed revisions have been put forward in view of recent changes including portfolio changes in relation to housing responsibilities and various restructures across the organisation.


3.4        An officer structure chart is attached at Appendix B for information (correct as of April 2014).            


4.          Relevant Documents   


4.1    Appendix A – Article 6 – Overview and Scrutiny Committees (Proposed Revisions)


4.2    Appendix B – MBC Organisation Structure      


5.          Background Documents  


5.1     None