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Pheasant Lane JTB

Report To:                 Joint Transportation Board


Date:                           21st October 2009


Report Title:              Pheasant Lane Closure - Maidstone


Report:                       Ben Hilden


Summary:                  Following public consultations Members are asked to consider the proposal to close Pheasant Lane, Maidstone to all through traffic.


Decision:                    Yes


Affected Wards:        Maidstone South Ward


Recommendations:              Subject to the views of this Board, it is proposed to close Pheasant Lane to all though traffic by means of lockable bollards on an experimental basis.




1.            Kent Highway Services (KHS) have received a request to eradicate the vehicle movements using Pheasant Lane. The route is used as a direct route between Boughton Lane and the A274 bypassing the signalised junction of the A274 with the A229. Concerns have been raised by residents with regard to vehicle speeds along the lane. A petition has also been received by KHS from residents identifying the support for a closure of the lane. With the development of Oldborough School, there is going to be an increase in pedestrian movements to and from the school along the Lane. Due to the narrowness of the lane together with no formal passing places, this has caused concern amongst local residents.


2.            The petition was submitted in August 2008 signed by some 120 residents, lead by Mr David Frais of Osborne House, Loose Road of the Pheasant Lane Action Group which sought the closure of Pheasant Lane to vehicles other than for residential access.  The petitioners felt the lane was being used as a rat run, was too narrow for the volume of traffic has too many blind bends with drivers driving too fast and pedestrians are at great risk.




3.            Consultation was undertaken earlier this year by means of a letter drop to houses along Loose Road, Wheatsheaf Close, Shernolds and Pheasant Lane. Letters distributed asked for views on the proposal to install physical restrictions along the route. Cllr J E Wilson also sent letters to residents asking for comment and a notice was placed in a local newspaper circulating in the area.


4.            Kent Highway Services received 31 responses to the consultation, 68% in favour of the proposals to install restrictions to make the route a No Through Road. Residents cited the mean reasons for supporting the closure was the speed of vehicles using the lane and the safety implications this causes.


5.            32% of the responses objected to the closure, the common reason being the inconvenience that this will cause when accessing their properties. The other concerns raised included the increase in vehicular movements along Boughton Lane due to the redevelopment of Oldborough School, the congestion this will cause and concerns over emergency access should the A229 be congested.


Views of Local Members


6.            The Local Members were consulted and have not objected to the proposal.


Views of Statutory Consultees


7.            Kent Police initially raised concerns that should the route be stopped up for all vehicular traffic this could potentially increase antisocial crime, fly tipping and effect accessibility and response times for the emergency services. KHS discussed these concerns with the Police and they confirmed that they would not raise an objection to the closure.


8.            None of the other emergency services have objected to the closure.




9.            Pheasant Lane has not been built to a standard that allows two way traffic to pass each other easily. The road is narrow and has numerous walls along its length that make certain sections just wide enough for one vehicle to drive through.  Through the consultations undertaken it is clear that residents are very concerned due to the safety issues caused by the layout of the road and especially how these could get worse due to the development of Oldborough Academy.


10.          Various options have been considered by KHS to overcome these issues such as making the lane one-way but this could potentially increase vehicular speed along the road due to drivers knowing that there will be no oncoming traffic. The result of this would cause even greater highway safety concerns to pedestrians using the lane. Traffic calming could resolve this concern however, would not deal with the narrowness of the lane.


11.          The proposal to restrict through traffic will not restrict Motorcycles from using the lane, the lane will still be fully accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. As part of the consultation it was recommended that the lane be physically closed approximately half way down. This would make the closure self enforcing and minimise the effect of residents having to travel greater distance because they could not travel in either direction when leaving their homes.


12.          Unfortunately due to land constraints it will not be possible to provide turning areas at the closure point to allow for vehicles to turn around. The proposed location will however, have informal areas where cars would be able to turn. Larger vehicles will probably not be able to make these manoeuvres.


13.          To overcome this and other potential problems KHS propose to install lockable bollards along Pheasant Lane for an experimental period to assess the problems that may occur. Should the installation of the bollards cause the potential problems along the lane the closure will be reviewed.


14.          To mitigate the potential issues the emergency services will have keys to unlock the bollards should access be needed, KHS will introduce advanced signage along the A274 and Boughton Lane to eradicate the unnecessary turning into Pheasant Lane and No Through Road signage will also be installed at each end of Pheasant Lane alerting motorists of the new road layout.  Prior to installation of the bollards, KHS will also carry out a local publicity campaign by advertising proposals in local newspapers together with liaising with Oldborough School to notify parents of the alterations in Pheasant Lane. We will also conduct another letter drop to residents regarding the changes.




15.          Following a public consultation and the submission of a petition it is clear that there is a firm public desire for Pheasant Lane to be closed to through traffic. However, due to the layout of the lane it is not possible to provide adequate turning facilities along the lane and the Police have previously raised concerns over the closure causing anti social behaviour.


16.          Therefore, Members are asked to support the experimental closure of the lane to assess whether the closure is practical and does not lead to the problems explained in the report. If the experiment is successful the closure can be made permanently however, if not it will need to be removed.




Contact:         Ben Hilden – Transportation and Development Control Engineer

