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Appendix A



Cabinet Member Priorities for 2014/15


Leader of the Council



·        Local Plan – top priority for 2014 /5 to keep this on track for the Inspector in 2015 and work closely with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development. This includes the Integrated Transport Strategy, Green and Blue Strategy etc.



·        Mid Kent Improvement Partnership – savings have been made but need to ensure that it still works for Maidstone. Savings are welcome but the service to our residents is paramount.

·        Strategic Plan 2015 to 2020 –Renewal of this document which states the priorities and focus for the Council for the next five years.


·        Building relationships with key partners – Kent County Council, Parish Councils and our neighbouring district council leaders.


·        Be a strong voice for Maidstone to ensure we are heard and represented in the right arenas where key decisions are made and / or potential funding may be unlocked. Maidstone is the County Town and deserves the best.



Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Corporate Services comprises the various administrative functions that support the rest of the business. These principally include HR & Staff development, Finance including revenue and benefits, Property & Procurement, Information Technology, Asset Management and Legal Services.


Many of the Council’s activities in these areas are directed by statutory requirements.  However, within these functions there are possibilities and opportunities to (a) improve efficiency, (b) extend services to other parties and (c) invest in new activities to secure income or savings.


It is in this context that the following aims and objectives are proposed.


  1. Asset Management

- compile a programme to dispose of ‘unuseful’ assets and where possible, to make better use or return on existing assets

- identify opportunities for further investment that will provide a consistent return in support of the council’s activities


  1. Sources of Funding

- ensure proper accountability for ‘enabling’ funding secured to support  discretionary activities. This primarily refers to the Health & Wellbeing agenda.


      3.   Finance

                  - ensure the timely preparation of a balanced budget

                  - monitor the impact of benefit changes on operations and arrears


  1.  Mid Kent Services (MKIP)

- establish a procedure for regularly reporting/monitoring performance levels for shared services.


  1. HR & Staff Development

- identify further ways to maintain staff motivation and excellence in service to customers


  1. Property

- prepare a long term plan for vacating Maidstone House by 2023

- prepare short term plans

(i)  to move the 1st floor of Maidstone House to the 4th/5th/6th floors in order to vacate the 1st floor by or before 2016 and

(ii) for the future use of the Gateway where there is a possibility that KCC will vacate in 2016


  1. Information Technology

            - refresh the IT strategy